Wednesday, March 30, 2016

We need help at the 94th International

The following comes from Tom Ziobrowski, Northeast Area President
Now that the Perry Georgia Convention is over and Easter is over, hope you will all consider in doing some type of volunteering in Springfield Mass come August.

I cannot express my feeling for everyone that can to: please show the strength the Northeast Area has as a TEAM of Chapters.

Send your information to Bob Mills, one of your Northeast VP's who is in charge of the volunteers at Springfield.
You will find the information in the April edition of the FMCA magazine. It's best to call your registration in ASAP.

Bob's email:
Cell: 813-395-3679

Please email or call him ASAP, he will need your name, a cell number if you have one, and address, as I want to personally acknowledge everyone with a token of appreciation that comes and supports this convention. It may be years before the Northeast Area ever see's another one. Come, volunteer a little, and have fun with all your camping friends.


Thomas M. Ziobrowski
President & National VP for the Northeast Area of FMCA 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Northeast Area Officer Nominations

We are looking for folks willing to run for office in the Northeast Area. Below is Secretary Donna Merlino's list of candigates openings 

There will be 2 Vice President positions and the Secretarial position up for re-election this year.  We will be voting for these 3 positions at our NEA Annual Business Meeting, which will be held at West Springfield.  As soon as I have more information regarding the meeting I will pass it along.
We are currently looking for candidates for the NEA President’s Position currently held by Tom Ziobrowski.   Anyone interested in this position, please get in touch with Tom.  The FMCA National Area Vice President serves as President of The Area Association.  You might be able to travel with Tom in May of 2017 when he attends the business meeting at our FMCA headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio.  This would be a great opportunity to get you acclimated to the operation of FMCA as well as give you an inside view of what the job requires.  We are over a year away but it is never too early to start thinking about it.  You are responsible for the entire NEA which consists of approximately 37 Chapters spread out over 10 States, including Canada, whom you have to keep in touch with to the best of your ability. Either email or call Tom.   He would be happy to discuss this position with anyone that may be interested.  He can be reached at: 513-543-7421, or by email

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Northeast Area News From Secretary Donna Merlino

To All Northeast Area Chapters:
I know it’s been a long time since you’ve heard from me and I apologize for that.  Leo Ouellette, Mass. Minutemen (NEA Webmaster) and I have been working on a new email process for keeping you informed of what is happening throughout the Northeast Area (NEA).  This will be the first official email sent with the new system so hence the new look.  If you have any questions, let me know via email or by phone and we will try to answer them.  There are a couple of items we need to cover before I get into the fun happenings for NEA. 

** Chapter Officers are the only ones receiving these emails.   Therefore, if you don’t think you should be receiving this email let me know ASAP.   Please keep myself or Leo updated when any changes occur regarding your officers, along with any email address changes as well.

** Whenever you receive these emails we would appreciate it if you would forward them on to your chapter membership in a timely manner, either via email, snail mail or whatever system you use for keeping in touch with your chapter.  The main reason for sending these emails is to let you and your membership know what is going on within the NEA, therefore you – The Chapter Officer is the best way to get that information to your membership. 

** If you have something that you would like to pass on to the entire NEA this is the best way to accomplish that.  We can send an email on your behalf, post it to the NEA Blog and upload it to our website.  So, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have something you would like to forward on to the Northeast Area Membership.

THE REGISTRATION FOR FMCA’s 94th Family Reunion and Motorhome Showcase to be held at West Springfield, Massachusetts, August 3 through 6, 2016 IS NOW AVAILABLE:
You can find it at (OR) on our website: and on our blog.  Register for this Reunion as soon as you can as the first 1500 registrants will be located on the grounds.  Anyone registering after that will be located off site. 

>We have a lot of volunteer positions that need to be filled.  Contact Bob Mills, NEA VP  fourwindsbob@gmail.comand he will get you signed up.  Bob is the Convention’s Overall Volunteer Captain.  You can contact him via the above email or by phone:  (h) 613-525-9970  (c) 813-395-3679  

>Dave Ellis, NEA VP is Captain of Security Volunteers and is in need of early security volunteers.  Dave can be contacted at  or by phone:   (h)203-878-6265  (c) 203-650-0322

>I (Donna Merlino) am Captain of Greeter Volunteers and I am looking for Greeters to stand and/or sit at designated stations on the sidewalk or road side to wave a greeting to FMCA convention attendees.   You will be the first person they see representing FMCA when they arrive in the area.  We will be volunteering the 3 days of parking in 2 hour shifts.  We will need about 80 +/- volunteers.  Contact me at for detailed information or by phone: (h) 607-627-7009 (c) 607-316-3784.  Again, you can always contact Bob Mills if you can’t reach either myself or Dave Ellis.

>Another area that we will need volunteers for is the “Northeast Area Ice Cream Social” that will be held during the Rally.  The Green Mountain Chapter has volunteered to Captain this event.  We will be inviting all 1st Timers, new members and NEA Chapter members to this event.  Pres., Tom Ziobrowski and Gerry Gage, Green Mountain National Director have worked very hard to schedule this event through FMCA, but we need to provide the sponsorship and all the volunteers to help serve.  Tom and Gerry have secured sponsorship from NEA Local RV Dealers and various other Commercial Sponsors; therefore we can provide scooped ice cream and all the toppings to make this a true, “Ice Cream Social”.   This is our opportunity to shine and show everyone what a great Area we are.  Contact Bob Mills if you would like to volunteer for this event.

>If none of these areas peek your interest that’s okay, contact Bob Mills and I’m sure that he can find an area that you might be interested in.  Volunteering is a lot of fun and you meet so many different people from all over the country and it’s a great way to get out and enjoy the true “rally experience”.

Northeast Area Executive Board:
There will be 2 Vice President positions and the Secretarial position up for re-election this year.  We will be voting for these 3 positions at our NEA Annual Business Meeting, which will be held at West Springfield.  As soon as I have more information regarding the meeting I will pass it along.
We are currently looking for candidates for the NEA President’s Position currently held by Tom Ziobrowski.   Anyone interested in this position, please get in touch with Tom.  The FMCA National Area Vice President serves as President of The Area Association.  You might be able to travel with Tom in May of 2017 when he attends the business meeting at our FMCA headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio.  This would be a great opportunity to get you acclimated to the operation of FMCA as well as give you an inside view of what the job requires.  We are over a year away but it is never too early to start thinking about it.  You are responsible for the entire NEA which consists of approximately 37 Chapters spread out over 10 States, including Canada, whom you have to keep in touch with to the best of your ability. Either email or call Tom.   He would be happy to discuss this position with anyone that may be interested.  He can be reached at: 513-543-7421, or by email
Northeast Area 2017 Rally Location:
The Board is really excited to announce that we are in negotiations with the NY State Fairgrounds in Syracuse NY as the location for the 2017 Area Rally.  We are very close to signing an agreement and setting a date.  We hope to schedule the Rally for the early part of August, 2017.  The NYS Fairgrounds is in the middle of a multi-million$$ renovation; included in that renovation is the addition of a 400 site campground with hookups.  As soon as we have a signed agreement and firm date we will send out an email.
2016 Northeast Area Chapter Anniversaries:
We are pleased to announce the following Chapters are celebrating a Milestone Anniversary this year:
May                       15 Years               NEW ENGLAND RACE CHASERS
                              25 Years               PEN-NY MIXERS
June                      20 Years                SCONE
                              20 Years               SCOTIAN ROAMERS
July                        20 Years               FRUSTRATED MAESTROS
August                   20 Years               NORTHEAST EXPLORERS
September             25 Years               CONSTITUTION CRUISERS
Congratulations to all of the above Chapters.  We appreciate everything you have done and continue to do to help make the Northeast Area what it is today.  Each Chapter will be presented a Certificate at our Annual Meeting.  Make sure your Chapter is well represented in Massachusetts when you are recognized for this special achievement.
2016 Perry GA Family Reunion:
For those of you attending the Rally in Perry GA, March 17-20:  The Northeast Area Gathering will be held on Sunday, March 20, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. in Seminar Room 3.  The Area Gathering is always very informative.  Tom Ziobrowski will have updated information regarding the Rally in West Springfield.  Make sure you make some time in your day to attend.
March 3-6:  CNY RV & CAMPING SHOW, NYS Fairgrounds, Syracuse NY
Hopefully I haven’t missed anything.  If there is something happening in the NEA that I have missed and you want everyone to know about it, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me and I will send out an announcement for you or your Chapter.
Happy & Safe Travels everyone,
Donna Merlino, NEA Secretary
o/b/o The NEA Executive Board