Saturday, December 2, 2017

Vote Results - Towables

FMCA logo header

Hello Committee Members:

I wanted to make everyone aware that the vote passed. It mirrored the Governing Board vote. Approximately 70% of members were in favor, and we received a little under 10,000 votes total.
The first step is for FMCA's attorney, Scott Gilligan, to file changes with the state of Ohio to change our Articles of Incorporation. He expects that to go into effect sometime next week.
We had originally planned to make the announcement on December 8. That is a Friday, so I think it would be in our best interest to make the grand announcement on the 11th. We will do a press release, social media posts and a detailed email to membership.
Today, per the bylaws rule that membership must be informed right away, we will send a brief email to all members.
The next big push will be paid advertising through Google and Facebook. This will not occur until we finish the new website, which is expected to be done on December 20. We want to put our best foot forward by directing potential members to a new, user-friendly website. 
This is a big, yet exciting, change for FMCA. We are ready to welcome all RVs to the family, and at the same time keep serving our current motorhome members.
If you have any questions or suggestions, I am all ears. Call or e-mail me your thoughts.
Thank you,
Chris Smith
Chris Smith
Executive Director/CFO

Friday, November 17, 2017

Barbara Smith explains NEAR-2018

Dear Northeast Area Chapter Presidents and National Directors,
Please share this letter with your chapter members.
I am writing to update you on the latest FMCA Northeast Area happenings since the annual meeting in Syracuse.  First, I would like to thank each and everyone who attended and volunteered for “We love N.Y. 2017”.  I particularly want to thank the board members and volunteers who put in countless hours to make the rally a success.  We had 344 camping units including FMCA members and guests. Over 100 volunteers helped with all facets of the rally. We had a couple of bad weather evenings but made the best of it. Participating RV dealers sold at least 1 motor coach and 4 other RVs.
It is with a heavy heart that we make this announcement that the Northeast Area Rally (NEAR) has been cancelled for 2018.  We understand many are disappointed and it's contradictory to the Northeast Area's mission, but we will make 2019 a great rally.  We heard that water and electric (sometimes sewer connection) is preferred. We heard that you want to wait before going back to Essex Junction, VT.  We are evaluating several possible locations, but rally venues that are large enough to handle our numbers fill up fast for the summer season and many desirable ones are already taken. If we had chosen Syracuse again, a large building construction project was scheduled to begin next to the campground.  We did have front door access issues to our major building due to construction beside and in front of the building and dates for 2018 did not work out despite our research and investigation. They also conflicted with the national convention calendar.
For 2019 several locations and rally types are possible. We could do another rally in the Syracuse location, or we could do a destination rally with more adventures but fewer seminars.  We could move the rally to June or September. However, that might preclude members with school age children from coming.  We would like to have the new rally location decided on by spring, so we can begin putting our chapter volunteer teams together. The board tells me that it takes over 1.5 years to plan a rally of this size. 
However, we will have a 2018 annual meeting. Dates and the location will follow. Northeast Area Executive Board members are discussing our options.
If you have questions please contact me.


Barbara Smith
National Vice President
Northeast Area

New Tech Packages

FMCA has announced 2 new tech joint ventures:

1. Your Adventure Awaits

Don't leave your friends and family behind. Now it's easier than ever to share the fun and stay connected with reliable internet access on the go. FMCA negotiated this special deal just for members.

What you get: 
✔ Get a mobile hotspot for $.01 with a 2-year agreement when you sign up for the $49.99/month Verizon Mobile Broadband Plan (plus taxes and fees).
✔ Unlimited data*
✔ Enjoy up to 25GB of high-speed data each month. Data speeds for usage in excess of 25GB will be reduced for the remainder of the billing period.
Click on the Verizon TAB for details
2. With FMCA, connecting on the road is easier than ever...
FMCA Tech Connect+ is a benefit package that brings travel-friendly technology offers to FMCA members. For just $49.99 per month, members gain access to a package of tech-related offers. FMCA has done the work of researching and negotiating for you, so you can spend more time doing what you love – RVing!
Technology is the future; why not take part in a benefit package that delivers it to you at a lower cost?  

Click on the Tech Connect Plus TAB for details

Thursday, November 16, 2017

FMCA Roadside Rescue News

FMCA Roadside Rescue, Powered by SafeRide RV Motor Club, is there when you need it. For the low price of $69 per year, you'll never have to worry about RV travel again. You can even extend your coverage to additional family members living in your household and add additional passenger vehicles. Plus,FMCA has locked in the $69 rate for 3 years

As part of FMCA's exclusive offer with SafeRide RV Motor Club, you'll receive:
✔   Towing 
✔   Jump Starts
✔   Mobile Tire Service
✔   Vehicle Fluid Delivery
✔   Lockout Assistance
✔   Winch-out Service
✔   RV Technical Assistance Hotline
✔   Mobile Mechanic Dispatch Service
✔   Priority Call-Back Line
✔   Trip interruption Benefits
✔   RV Concierge Services
SafeRide RV Motor Club (the motorhome entity of Vehicle Administrative Services) has been FMCA's trusted roadside assistance partner since 2014.Lock in this great rate for one, two or three years (with a corresponding one-, two-, or three-year FMCA membership). Available in U.S. and Canada.
Don't wait. Sign up today for this
exclusive FMCA member benefit. 

Sign Me Up!

Please note: 
Registration is available through the online portal or by calling SafeRide RV at (877) 581-8581. The FMCA National Office cannot process Roadside Assistance registrations by phone. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Member vote - 2017

Please don't forget to vote for the future of FMCA. 
CLICK HERE to download and print a copy of the ballot.
Please note, all ballots must be sent via postal mail to: 
Mandel and Associates, Inc., 431 Ohio Pike, Suite 201, Cincinnati, OH 45255
One vote per member F number
Deadline: All ballots must be in CPA's hands by November 30th

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

New Name for FMCA

The story is FMCA will change its name if the vote changes the constitution. A Google of FMCA yesterday turned up -----
Florida Mosquito Control Association

Is it true?

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

NEA President's Travels

Barbara and Ed Smith were busy in September getting acquainted with the membership in New York. She started spending Labor Day at the Susquenango Rally while Ed was busy in Maine.
From there, they traveled the 500 miles to western New York to spend the next three weeks with three closely related chapters.
  • ·         Their first visit was to the Fingerlakers Chapter where she presented a 45th anniversary certificate. Members from
    Niagara Frontier Travelers and Jim and Pat Sennett joined her helping with the celebration. There was a brown bag auction, camp fires and 2 ice cream socials.

  • ·        They then spent early the following week in the Niagara Falls area, they then visited with the Niagara Frontier Travelers during their rally. They were treated to Gordie Harper's Bazaar and Boone's Barbecue.  Instead of the brown bag auction we had a huge campfire and ice cream social every night.

  •       Refusing to go back to New England with Hurricanes Irma and Maria looming, they stayed for the Pen-NY Mixer Rally at the Cambria Firemen's field. There they ate more ice cream and ate at local restaurants. Once again, she shared information about the FMCA and the area.

    Pen-NY Mixer Campfire
Those who may not know, Ed Smith loves to cook --- and is very good.  He supplied and cooked hot dogs, hamburgs and hash browns for breakfast during all the rallies.
      We all enjoyed their company.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Northeast Area Rally, 2017

Our Northeast Area 2017 Rally went to Syracuse, NY and the NY State fairgrounds. It was one of the largest we've had in recent years. Presided by Tom Ziobrowski and Lou Snow, we had 355 family coaches and over 100 vendor coaches.

Entertainment was great but was greeted by severe thunder storms the first 2 nights. Once again, NEA presented a great ice cream social. We even had a chapter parade.
Our new president, Barbara Smith presided over her first meeting. John Traphagen and Tom Ziobrowski were elected Vice Presidents of the area.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Harborfest, 2017

Several chapters from the Northeast Area gathered in Oswego, NY during the last week of July to celebrate Harborfest. With about 90 FMCA members attending, there was music, food, fishing, fireworks and more.
Jim and Sherry Miller from the BlueBirds and Pen-NY Mixers acted as hosts as well as NY Centrals and Fingerlakers made it happen.
The rally was visited by area officers including President, Tom Ziobrowski.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


July 5, 2017

Dear Members of the Northeast Area:

The following report updates the results from the Northeast Area Nominating Committee.


Election was held for the President/National Area Vice President position with Barbara Smith being elected.

The following current officers are not up for election:
  • Senior Vice President:             Lou Snow
  •  Secretary:                                Donna Merlino
  •  Treasurer:                               James Sennett
  • Vice President:                        Donnie Osterhout
  • Vice President:                        Harley Soulia

The following position is running for re-election at the Annual Meeting, August 5, 2017 for a 2 year term:
Vice President:                        John Traphagan 

The following persons are running for one Vice President position and nominations from the floor will be accepted during the Annual Meeting.
Vice President:                        Robert Townsend
Vice President:                        Thomas Ziobrowski

There will be a vote during the Annual Meeting.

Nominating Committee:
  • Tom Roule                   585-739-9074             (email:
  • Tom Ziobrowski          518–857–2007              (email:
  • Harley Soulia               802-236-7881              (email:

If you or someone you know is interested in one of the positions, please notify Tom Roule, Tom Ziobrowski or Harley Soulia by email or phone as soon as possible.

Respectfully submitted,
Tom Roule, Nominating Committee Chairman

July 5, 2017

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Please check your NEAR Welcome letter

An error was found on the welcome letter in the confirmation packet that said general parking was August 6th, but the correct arrival date is Thursday, August 3rd. Please note that general parking begins on Thursday, August 3rd..

Best Regards,
Jenn Eckles
Event Coordinator

Monday, June 19, 2017

2017 Nominating Committee

The Northeast Area nominating committee is looking for more officers. The election will be held during the Northeast Area Rally - August 3rd through 6th.

If you are interested in running, please contact one (or all) of the following:
- Tom Roule (email:
-  Harley Soulia: (email:
- Tom Ziobrowski: (email:

Please send a resume with your qualifications, background, chapter affiliations, etc to any of the above or our area secretary at:

PLEASE HELP! You are the area's greatest asset.

Tom Roule
President, Fingerlakers
Chairman, Nominating Committee

NEAR news from our secretary

Just a quick note to remind you about a few things in regards to our
upcoming 2017 Northeast Area Rally & RV Show - We Love New York,
August 3-6.

PROGRAM BOOK - CHAPTER ADs: I want to thank those Chapters that
have sent in an AD for our Program Book. We really appreciate your
support.  Your ADs and any that we solicit from businesses, vendors
and etc. are what make your Program Book possible.

For those Chapters that have not submitted an AD as of yet, there is
still time to get your AD in the book. I have listed below the AD
prices for your convenience. Send your AD to Bob Mills - by June 23 PH: 613-525-9970 CELL: 813-395-3679*

*Make your check payable to: Northeast Motorhome Association and mail
to: Tom Ziobrowski, 23 Main St., Rexford NY 12148*

AD COSTS: Full Page (7â€x10â€) - Color - $200

1/2 Page (7"x5") - B&W - $75 Color - $125

1/4 Page (3.5"x5") - B&W - $50 Color - $75

Business Card Size - (3.5â x2.25) B&W - $35 Color - $25

CHAPTER FAIR: Please give some thought to participating in our Chapter
Fair this year. It is a great way to gain new members, see what you
are about, where you are from and what your Chapter has to offer. We
will be awarding the "Best Chapter Display" again this year with a
nice prize that will be announced at entertainment. Show the Northeast
Area how proud you are of your chapter and gain some new members /friends along the way.

CRAFT/SEWING CLASSES: Don't forget to bring your sewing machine if you
like quilting, sewing and crafts as we have a couple of fun classes
you will definitely want to take advantage of. More info regarding the
sewing classes will be included in your Confirmation Packets after you

DINOSAUR BARBEQUE: You must purchase your ticket for the barbeque
dinner when you register. We may have a limited number of extra
tickets available for those that did not pre-register. Check at the
Registration Table that will be located in the Horticulture Building.

EXECUTIVE BOARD ELECTIONS: There are 2 openings for VP on the Board
this term. If you or someone you know may be interested please
contact: Tom Roule 585-739-9074. Voting to take place
at our Annual Business Meeting during the rally.

You can always find information regarding the Northeast Area at our
website or this blog

A rally registration form is available at our website as well as
contact information for the Executive Board. If you have questions,
concerns or ideas please do not hesitate to contact a board member.

Safe travels,

Donna Merlino, Secretary

NEA Executive Board

Thursday, June 1, 2017

NEAR Election Update

As you may know, Barbara Smith has volunteered and been elected President of the Northeast Area.

At this time, we are looking for more volunteers to run for offices to help Barbara. Current officers have indicated they want to stay on, but we lost one and there is room if folks want to run for a position. We are reaching out to presidents, national directors and alternate national directors to ask yourselves and your members if they might be interested in being an officer.

Tom Ziobrowski (our outgoing president) has indicated we have some challenges. To quote:

“Northeast is going to have some serious issues headed down the road. From participation to support.”

We don’t have to look far to realize that some of us older folks may have to do the job until we recruit some younger help. (For example: I dictated this to my son’s 17 year old cat who can touch type - LOL).

Bottom line: it’s fun, a little work, no pay and we do it with friends – that equals- definition of volunteer. PLEASE JOIN US.

Elections will be at the Northeast Area Rally August 3-6.

If you are interested in running, please contact one (or all) of the following:
- Tom Roule (email:
- Harley Soulia: (email:
- Tom Ziobrowski: (email:

We can get you the necessary applications. 

Saturday, April 29, 2017


Discount for all FMCA Members
On your next New England Motor Coach Vacation
  • Experience coast of Maine from the decks of our Historic National Landmark Schooners - Grace Bailey or Mercantile
  • Islands, quaint fishing villages, lighthouses, wildlife  & more.
  • No cruise is complete without our famous Maine Lobster Feast! 
  • Four cruise options weekly. Affordable & All Inclusive.
  • Free Parking for your RV and a 10% discount for FMCA Members.  
  • Mention FMCA when reserving to receive your discount.  Contact us for our Free 16 pg. brochure.

We look forward to welcoming some FMCA members aboard as part of their New England tours!
Margaret Jones at MWC 800-736-7981
Maine Windjammer Cruises®   
Sail with the original - Established 1936
80 Years ~ Keeping the tradition alive!
Schooners Grace Bailey, Mercantile & Mkstress
Keep up to date with happenings at Maine Windjammer Cruises
Captain Ray & Ann Williamson
PO Box 617
Camden, Maine 04843