NEA Minutes - 1/2020--3/20

Northeast Area Minutes

Date: February 26, 2020
Time: 7pm
Conference Call
John called the meeting to order at 7pm and asked for roll call
Anne announced she was recording the minutes and asked everyone to put their phones on mute until they wanted to speak
Present: John Traphagen, Lou Snow, Charlie Lawrence, Charlotte Burrell, Patty Pritchard, John Poppe, Maureen Pelletier, Anne Archambault, Barbara Smith (immediate Past President), Connie Pool, Parliamentarian
Secretary Report
Anne asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes of Feb. 9, 2020 and asked if there are any corrections.
Maureen made a motion to accept the minutes of 2/9/20
Charlotte 2nd
There were no corrections and vote was taken
Lou Snow                      Yes
Charlie Lawrence           Yes
Charlotte Burrell            Yes
Patty Pritchard              Yes
John Poppe                    Yes
Maureen Pelletier           Yes
Anne Archambault          Yes
Treasurers Report:
Maureen stated she will do a full report at the next meeting as she will have received a statement from the bank.  Maureen stated she did issue a check for $1000.00 to Champlain Valley Fairgrounds for a deposit for the 2020 rally, she also used the debit card to pay for the web site of $466.20.
Web Site:
John stated he has been in touch with Tom to let him know when the website will be running and he will notify the National Directors. Maureen asked if the minutes would be on the northeast blog until the web site is up and running. John stated they would be available on the blog.
Charlotte asked when the web site will be available; John stated Leo and Tom will be working on it soon.
John asked if everyone got the email he sent out answering questions that were asked at the last meeting about the dates of the rally.
Charlotte stated we must make it very clear to participants which day we will be leaving the rally.
John went over rally entrance dates:
          July 6 ( Monday) Board members and parking captain
          July 7(Tuesday) Parking Crew
          July8 (Wednesday) Volunteers with a volunteer meeting on Thursday morning
          July 9(Thursday) Vendors can setup on Thursday and Friday morning
          July 9 (Thursday) Participants arrive
          July 10(Friday) Vendors and Show Coaches open at 1pm
          July 10(Friday Evening) Opening Ceremony
Saturday evening special entertainment with additional cost, tickets purchased through their agency so if there is a cancellation they will be responsible to make the refunds. The agency knows there is an RV rally and they will give a discount for the tickets and seating will be reserved. However the contract with the fairgrounds is not completed as of this date. 2/26/20.
Sunday night will have the Block Party
Monday is Circus Smirkus, we can put the information on the registration form for the performances. Tickets will be a group rate of $17.00 per person.
John asked the board for any suggestions for the success of the rally
Patty asked if Sat performance is sold out would there be enough seating for our group. John stated we would have reserved seating in the Grand stand. Lou stated it would be advanced purchased tickets and we could hold them at the ticket office.
It was asked when we will know about the entertainer for sat night because if he isn’t going to be there we need to find someone else. John said he would contact the fair grounds and tell them we need a cutoff date so we can find someone else.
We will need a cutoff date for the Saturday scheduled entertainment at the fairgrounds so if we need to move forward to find additional entertainment we will have enough time to set it up and be able to publish it. John stated he will be in contact with Champlain Valley next week.
Charlotte asked what the cost will be for tickets, John stated he didn’t know yet, Maureen said she looked up other concerts and they ranged from $40.00 to hundreds of dollars. It was asked if there is another location for different performers John stated we have always used the Expo North building, it has A/C and is large enough for our entire participant.
Maureen stated her concern about them setting up their tents while we are bringing in coaches. John stated they will not be setting up until after we are all parked, They will have Sat and Sun to set up.
John brought up some other things we may need for the rally
          The stage is in the estimate of $400.0
          PA system available
          A more sophisticated one may be needed at extra cost and the fairgrounds has names
          Pipes and Drapes are available                   8’x3’x10’
          Traffic Cones are available               about 40 needed
          50 amp services will be complete by July   How many will be available
There are 6 areas available for seminars; we can set up 2 or 3 rooms with audio equipment that can be shared with those needing it and the other areas if vendors don’t need audio.
Patty stated she has been in touch with the vendors who participated and had planned to participate with the national rally but when that was cancelled they all found someplace else and would not be available to come to Essex Junction VT.
Patty stated the vendors told her they would have participated in the NEA Rally if they had been notified earlier about the change that national was not able to have a signed contract with Syracuse.
John stated getting vendors have always been a problem as they make their plans 1year to year and a half ahead.
John stated The Northeast Area Dealers have always been a supportive of our rallies and will help get dealers and help us any way they can.
John went over registration fees
          2 people With RV$285.00, after June 1 $305.00
          1 person With RV $270.00 after June1 $290.00
Charlottes concerned we will have entertainment that will be an extra charge, Syracuse provided 2 nights of entertainment for $295.00.
John explained that there will be a limited number of 50 amp sites at a cost of $325.00 for 2 people and RV and after June 1 it will be $345.00
These prices are based on 200 coaches. Maureen stated that may be on the high side and suggested basing the cost using 150 coaches as camping for 6 nights at $20.00 per night .John believes there will be many coaches coming in early at $30.00 per night.
Maureen asked about fee for dry camping John stated that would be $265.00.
Passport cost would be for 2 people and no RV but access to all activities would be $140.00 and $75.00 for 1 person.
The cost for early arrival will be $30.00.  It will be up to the captains to provide us with the volunteer list and if they will need to pay the extra night.
John T asked John Poppe about security at the SEA rally, the hours and doors that needed to be covered was extensive. John P stated he had 7 Chapter coaches from Jersey Jems, about 22 people and they did 4hour shifts. John P stated he didn’t know if other chapters were also doing security.
John T assigned board responsibilities
          Patty Pritchard to work on seminar areas plan on 6 areas and making sure signs are correct at the beginning of the seminar. Patty stated she would no be attending the rally and she is not familiar with the grounds. John asked her to find captains and co captains to set it up. She stated she would do it if she gets guidance, Charlie L stated he will help her. It was stated that vendors may like to do seminars.
          John Poppe was asked to do security. John stated he will not be attending the rally but he will be meeting with his assigned national directors soon and will try to get someone to set it up.
          Charlie Lawrence Safety, ex: using golf carts around the fairgrounds and making sure cars are parked properly and nothing is in the roadways, mark out the area for the coaches and work closely with the parking chief. Donny Osterhout stated he will be in Essex Junction and will do parking. Charlie suggested letting the parking crew mark the areas for the coaches. Parking wants signs up after the coaches are parked. John wants Charlie to find someone to make signs for the streets. Charlie will not be on the grounds at the time of the rally. There was a discussion about when the signs should be put up. Charlie asked if the coaches could drive in or will they have to back in their spot, John stated if the electrical wires are put down before coaches come in they will have to back in. It was suggested that the signs for the streets be put up at one end and when that street was completed the sign be put up at the other end. No other real conclusion except there should be 2 parkers per coach one in the front and one in the back.
 Barbara stated she had the sign machine and it is in Massachusetts but she would get it to Lou. Barbara and Lou will communicate about a time and place to meet to pass along the sign machine possibly on the turnpike She would like to physically hand it to Lou rather than sending it in the mail..
          Charlotte was assigned to information, locator cards and entertainment tickets if needed along with will call if needed. She will be in charge of goody bags and volunteer packets. Charlotte stated she would be on the grounds at the time of the rally. Information will probably be located in the Expo North building.
          Lou is the Rally Master, in charge of entertainment, Master of Ceremony and opening ceremony
Maureen would be in charge of registration, any monies from national, pay the bills. Maureen stated she can pay the bills and keep track of the monies but we will need someone on the grounds to handle registration. John asked Maureen if she was going to Tucson for the rally. Maureen stated she was not going but she was only an hour away and with enough notice she could meet with him. John stated we need to meet as long as you are not going to be there” I will need the checkbook and debit card and I don’t want it put in the mail” Maureen assured she could pay the bills and everything where she will be, John stated not in Alaska as internet service was spotty, he stated he knew as he has been there. Maureen stated they could talk about it; she went on to say Anne could do Registration as that is what she did in Syracuse. John stated that is what he would like to do with the checkbook and debit card and if we have to put Anne on the account to do the day passes and extra people coming in to make daily deposits, Maureen stated anyone can make deposits we can work on that. Maureen stated we can have a conversation on that. Maureen stated she will not be on the grounds for the rally. John to meet Maureen at the AZ rally to get the checkbook and debit card, deposits should be able to be handled by anyone. Patty stated she had a deposit only card for deposits and it worked out very well. Maureen stated Patty would make the deposit and send Maureen a copy of the contracts and deposit slip that way we were able to get things done in time. Charlie stated that worked well. Patty stated that worked out well for the Syracuse rally and had no problems with it. John stated we can work on it. Maureen stated there needs to be checks and balances which is why the treasurer works separately with the approval of the board without anyone else doing anything else helps keep the checks and balances going on. John agrees there needs to be checks and balances on things.
Maureen asks what Anne’s responsibilities are. John states Anne will work with vendors, registration and the will call area.
John announced we will need volunteers and captains.
Lou made a motion to adjourn the meeting and John P 2nd all were in favor
Next meeting will be March 8th 2020 at 7pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Anne Archambault
Northeast Area Secretary 
Approved 3/10/2020
Northeast Area Minutes
Date: February 17, 2020
Time: 7pm
Conference call
John called the meeting to order at 7:05pm
Anne announced she was recording the minutes and asked all members to please mute their phones until they are ready to speak.
Roll Call: Those present:
John Traphagen, Lou Snow, Charlie Lawrence, Charlotte Burrell, Patty Pritchard, John Poppe, Maureen Pelletier, Anne Archambault, Barbara Smith (immediate past president), Connie Poole, Parliamentarian.
Secretary Report
Anne announced she did not have the minutes for 2/9/20 ready for approval at this time. Some corrections noted were Lou Snow 2nd the motion for the web site, Charlotte voted against approval for the minutes of Jan 5, 2020 and Barbara stated she sent Anne a correction. Anne explained she would be reviewing the recorded minutes of Feb 9, 2020 and brings the corrections to the board before the next scheduled meeting of March 8, 2020.
Anne announced the letters for Donna and Tom are going out and they should receive them in a few days.
Anne also announced she still has not had a response to her letter to Colton RV.
Web site
John sent each member a copy of information from Leo stating the cost of the Web site is $466.20 for 3 years which is 155.43 per year. Anne asked if that included the 23.00 per year for the site to be secure. He said he would confirm that with Leo.
Maureen wants to make sure only FMCA members are able to sign in to review the Northeast Area minutes and financial reports. Maureen states she is fine with the costs as long as it is a secure site. That is important to John also. Charlotte asked for a date that the web site will be available.
Charlie commented it will be secure. John T stated he will bring it to Leo and get a commitment and will get the information to the board members as soon as possible. Definitely get that in writing that it will be a secure site.
John turned the meeting over to Connie Pool as she is a member of the National By Laws Committee. The Northeast Area by Laws committee met with Connie at the SEA rally in Lakeland FL with some questions. The concern was that by following the By Laws and Standing rules for the Northeast we are not in compliance because the board was elected for a 2 year period and in our bylaws we are suppose to have an election of the Sr. Vice President, the Secretary and one Vice President this year. Connie was asked to talk with Jon Walker about how to proceed.
Connie stated she spoke to Jon Walker and was then referred to Penny G for more clarification about the 2 year term. Penny G stated it was not FMCA’s intent to violate the northeast area’s bylaws and standing rules.
Jon Walker sent out a letter:
February 11, 2020

TO:  The Northeast Motorhome Association Executive Board

I have learned there is some confusion on the length of term of office the Northeast Motorhome Association (NMA) Executive Board was elected to last spring.  There was already confusion because the Area Bylaws were not followed.  FMCA’s National Office, acting as the NEA Nominating Committee, ran the election process in the spring of 2019 to expedite installing the Executive Board Officers giving the NMA the ability to move forward.  Two-year terms were noted for this special election for the various positions, which did not fall under the guidelines listed in your NEA Standing Rules, thereby misleading those elected.  Since the standing rules are not required to be sent to the National Office, and there were two versions of the NEA Standing Rules in use, it was expected that you would, at your next annual meeting, elect a new Nominating Committee to adjust the terms as stated in your standing rules.  You have yet to fulfill that obligation. I agree it was confusing for those elected officers, and understandable that each officer believed they were elected to a full term of office, which is two years.

It was not our intention to cause the NMA to not comply with their established bylaws and standing rules concerning elections.  We should have been more direct in explaining that these officers were to fill the vacancies. It is unfortunate for your area and chapter members that you cannot agree to specific positions that would only be a one-year term up for election in 2020 and the other positions would be a two-year term up for election in 2021.  That is our fault for the ambiguous wording causing confusion and misleading people; however, you do need to comply with your bylaws and standing rules and have the required elections each year to include this year.  Past national president, Connie Pool was to assist the area through this transition phase, including the conditions outlined in the audit.  To eliminate further confusion, I request the following:

From the 2019 approved NMA Bylaws and Standing Rules the following officers’ terms will expire in even numbered years:  Senior Vice President, Secretary and one Vice President.  To determine which one of the four Vice Presidents whose term will expire this year, we recommend that it be the Vice President that had the highest number of votes from last year’s elections.  Keep in mind that you can all re-run for your current position. You may choose another method to determine which Vice President whose term expires in even numbered years.

I again, apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
Jon Walker, National President, FMCA

to all the members of the board stating that in order to stay compliant with the bylaws and standing rules we would need to have an election this year for the Sr. VP, Secretary and one Vice President, that VP would be determined by the number of votes in the last election, the one with the most votes will be the VP replaced. It was also stated in the letter all those effected could run again.
John Poppe brought up that we discussed this a while ago and that we all agreed we would serve the 2 years and then follow the bylaws and have elections to be back in the right sequence and be compliant with the bylaws and standing rules.
Connie stated the ruling came down from the Parliamentarian and FMCA did not mean to violate the NEA bylaws. Any change in the Bylaws will have to be voted on at the Annual Meeting.
Patty stated that when national held the election it was for a 2 year term and some would be serving 3 years, she asked: “who had the issue to bring this up”?
Connie answered the bylaws committee asked about it and the decision to have an election this year came from the parliamentarian.
Barbara stated she raised this question with Jon Walker and he responded this has never happened before and 2 years is the way we do it, and there is no precedent for this immediate issue.
Patty stated if the President doesn’t know how to run the organization we are in a pickle.
Again Connie stated national was not totally aware of what was in the Northeast Area bylaws and this has never happened before.
John Poppe stated someone had to tell someone to write it for 2 years, now who did that I don’t know but when I got the letter it was written for a 2 year period of time and I think everyone that ran got a letter that said it was for a two year term. We all agreed and some would serve a 2 year term and others would be 3 years to get back into the rotation now someone twist someone’s ear and now we have to go back to square one. Now next month or the month after there will be another ruling to go back to where we are. I don’t think the national president knows how to run this organization.
Connie again said they were not totally aware of what was in the bylaws and decided it would be 2 years without regard to the bylaws.
Patty stated we took care of the issue and thought that would take care of the problem. And now they are changing it again because someone is having an issue?
Connie explained again this has never happened before these were special circumstances, and she was not part of that process.
Charlie stated Connie was originally assigned to the NE board because of the demands of the official Audit Committee request. Charlie stated we thought we addressed this problem and now we have to go back. He asked Connie if there is anything we have done as a board that she didn’t agree with. No as a board you have done your job and the only issue that keeps coming up with the bylaws that you continually are not conforming with your bylaws. You all agreed to serve your term of 2 years with some serving an additional year. You were supposed to have an election last year and one this year so you are not conforming to your bylaws.
Charlie stated he thought we addressed the problem and we did it in writing and would take care of it at the next annual meeting now we are going backwards. Yes this is a unique situation for the northeast, but they keep hoping the northeast will fail.  Who is twisting the tail? Someone from the northeast?
Maureen stated the whole board was replaced is an exception, not meeting the bylaw is also an exception so the bylaw should be an exception. An election next year we all agreed would put us all in the proper rotation.
Connie explained the letter was an attempt to correct the violation. Connie explained that the letter requesting nominations should have explained we would be completing the previous boards terms and we would have been in compliance with the bylaws. Charlie and John P agree that is how it should have been. John P said it is National’s fault not the Northeast fault. Connie stated this is FMCA’s attempt to make it right. John Poppe stated we are going to correct it we voted to correct it.
Patty stated now someone is not happy and someone is throwing a match in to start a fire. Someone is not happy with the way things are going and they wanted to start another election. Jon Walker sent a letter stating we would do a 2 year term and on the 3rd year we would have another election.
Charlie asked John T what his position on this issue. John explained it was the bylaws committee wanting to correct the bylaws to stay in compliance with them. So when we bring them to the annual meeting they would all be in compliance. The bylaw committee asked Connie to go back to national so we could get everything back to normal. Charlie questioned what by law committee. John explained he appointed a bylaw committee for the northeast area and Connie is a member of the national bylaw committee. The northeast bylaw committee asked Connie to go back to FMCA to ask for advice for the bylaw committee questions about getting our bylaws in complianceThis is what she has done, Charlie stated John was not happy with the bylaws and needed to rewrite the bylaws. Charlie stated he wished that we were aware of the charter the bylaws committee was given. John explained we need to be in compliance with the bylaws and this is what the committee is trying to do.
Patty stated that was what we were going to do and it was decided months ago. Patty stated she doesn’t know where this is coming from. Charlie stated he knows exactly where this is coming from; John just said he wasn’t happy with it. John stated it was the bylaw committee and he doesn’t tell the bylaw committee what to do. Charlie asked who left the northeast area and went to national and who asked them to get involved. Who asked the National Bylaw committee review our bylaws? Connie explained the bylaw committee asked Connie to go back to FMCA about the 2 years for the term so Connie again explained she went to Penny G. for clarification and that is what resulted in the letter. Charlie stated that a question from the northeast area bylaws committee resulted in a letter from the national president. Connie stated Correct.
Barbara explained that in Jan and Feb FMCA worked to get nominations for the board that was elected in April and that the board has not served for one year yet and she feels it is very disruptive to start campaigning before they have even completed a year. Charlie stated it looks like a plot to replace us. That’s what it feels like; Connie explains it is not a plot; it is conforming to the bylaws. We haven’t had elections last year and won’t have elections this year for annual meeting. FMCA just wanted to get the northeast back on track.
Charlie stated this was a once in a lifetime exception and we addressed the bylaws and standing rules. Give us time after the meeting to get a package together for the next annual meeting.
Anne asked for clarification from Connie, if a change is made to the By Laws we would not be in compliance until they are voted on at the annual meeting, and it would be another year before any changes after that before we would be in compliance. Connie said that is true and it is easier to make changes in the standing rules because all by law changes have to be sent to FMCA.
Anne asked Connie if we are bound by this letter from Jon Walker to have one. Connie stated are we bound? Connie stated she expected this question much earlier. Anne asked again if we are required to have an election this year according to Jon Walkers letter to the Northeast Area. FMCA bylaws have nothing to do it so we are not in violation of FMCA, however the only issue is Jon Walker signed a letter stating we should have an election this year. If you don’t have an election this year what will Jon Walker do??? Connie states she doesn’t know.
Any disciplinary action would have to go before the governing board and it could take more than a year. Jon might question why we didn’t do as we were asked in the letter. We could just explain the board had a different way of dealing with the issue.
John Poppe suggested we vote on this issue and go on.
Charlie stated he was asked to serve and he asked if he was replacing someone or was he serving for 2 years. He was told he would serve for 2 years. Charlie feels the issue is more basic than the bylaws and getting FMCA involved with Jon Walker goes back to our current president and his willingness to do as he wants; regardless of what we say, we have addressed this election issue with recorded minutes. Charlie stated John announced without talking to us again about this issue after this letter that the nominating committee was put in place without talking to his board.” Why would you do that John?” John T stated he had nothing to do with anything. By laws committee did it all Connie has explained numerous times how it went and he had nothing to do with this.
Connie states she will swear to it that John had nothing to do with that it was strictly the bylaws committee. They sought out Connie and asked her to check it out. It wasn’t John doing it. Charlie stated he hears what Connie was saying but wished he knew what the committee was doing. Lou asked if disciplinary action comes down would it be strictly John or the whole board, Connie stated she really didn’t know, but she believes it would be everyone, but we are not violating FMCA rules and regulations but we would be violating Jon Walkers letter and we are violating our bylaws if we do not have an election this year. Connie states the Board of directors could bring up charges of violating Jon’s letter or being out of compliance of our bylaws. Charlie then explained we are trying to clear up with the justification we previously voted on to become in compliance.   Connie also stated we probably should have had an election at the annual meeting this past year. The Board takes responsibility for the action of choosing to violate the bylaws of the northeast area Charlie states we have a plan to rectify it.  We are not blowing it off.
Connie stated the Board of Directors of the Northeast Area can bring charges of violation against the whole board.
Barbara stated we have been out of compliance before and corrected it when it was discovered.
Charlotte asked if in 2021 we would have an election with half the board and the next year the other half.
Barbara stated the secretary and treasurer would not be voted out the same year
Anne verified that in odd year2021 3 vice presidents and the treasurer would be up for election and the even year the Sr. VP and secretary and one VP would be up for election. That would put us back in compliance and we voted on it.
Patty wanted to quote Mr. Snow ,” your suppose to allot your time as part of the board and we had done that and spend the next two years put on our time”. Now it is going to change it on us. Patty stated she thought Mr. Walker stated that was an acceptable plan.
Charlotte stated that after taking Jon Walkers letter under advisement she makes a motion to follow the vote of Nov 3, 2019 for the election of officers to get back on the schedule to stay in compliance of our bylaws. Patty 2nd
Lou Snow                                         Yes
Charlie Lawrence                           Yes
Charlotte Burrell                             Yes
Patty Pritchard                               Yes
John Poppe                                      Yes
Anne Archambault                         Yes
Motion passes
Connie was asked to please get back to the bylaw committee and let them know about our vote and also to get in touch with National.
Rally information
John stated he sent out rally information and there seems to be some confusion about the entertainment. Both the famous name entertainer and Circus Smirkus are not part of the rally. We are overlapping with them and members will have the option to pay extra and attend or not. We can make arrangements to have special seating area when we know how many will be attending. For Circus Smirkus the cost is $17.00 each. These are you kids that perform and they go around all of New England each summer.
John stated the non refundable check has been sent to Champlain Valley for the date of July 6 and leaving on July 14.
Board will arrive on July 6th
Parking arrive on July 7th
Volunteers arrive on July 8th
Participants and vendors arrive on July 9th
Rally starts on July 10 with vendors opening on the 10th.
Rally participants will leave on Tuesday the 14th
The annual meeting will be on Monday the 13 in the morning.
Charlotte asked again how many board members will be at the rally.
Lou Snow said he will be attending
Charlie Lawrence said he will be in Europe
Charlotte Burrell stated she will be attending
John Poppe stated he will be taking his grandchildren for the summer and will not be attending the rally
Maureen Pelletier stated she will be in Alaska and needs to arrive to meet the caravan on the 17th of July and will not be back until the end of August.
Anne Archambault stated she will be attending.
Maureen asked John T if he inquired about other dates for June or Sept.
John explained that the annual meeting is open to all FMCA members, however voting members are around 75 to 80, and trying to find campground able to accommodate voting members would be impossible,
Charlie asked how many chapters will not be attending
Yankee Doodle Chapter will have a minimum coaches attending and Charlie believes GMC coaches will not be attending.
John Poppe had a meeting with the National Directors he was assigned to and no information from them as to whether they would be attending.
John T stated he would try to change the dates with Essex Junction and get back to the board as soon as he can.
John stated the next meeting would still be March 8th 2020
Charlie made a motion to adjourn. John Poppe 2nd
Meeting adjourned at 8:29pm
Respectfully submitted:
 Anne Archambault, Northeast Area Secretary
Approved 3/10/2020

Northeast Area Minutes

Date: February 9, 2020
Time: 7:00pm

Conference Call

Anne announces she is recording the meeting and asks everyone to put their phones on mute until ready to talk as the feedback is terrible and hard to hear all conversations.

John called for Roll Call:

Present: John Traphagen, Lou Snow, Charlie Lawrence, Charlotte Burrell, John Poppe, Patty Pritchard, Maureen Pelletier, Anne Archambault, Barbara Smith (immediate past president) Connie Pool, Parliamentarian.

Invited Guest: Tom Roule and Leo Ouellette

Web Site Update:
Leo, Tom John T and Anne met for a workshop at the SEA rally. John Poppe was unable to attend due to his volunteer schedule. Tom stated we are on a good path with Leo’s web site.

Tom stated he was trying to compile what the board wants and needs for the web site

Tom mentioned the cost of the web site through FMCA will be $300.00 per year and the former web site will be $466.70 for 3 years and an additional cost of $23.85 per year for a secure site using word press.

Some differences discussed included: FMCA site will look the same as other FMCA web sites. The inability to have slide show or be able to do some fancy stuff, as we will have limited mega bytes.

With our old site we would be able to do a slide show and be able to have the capacity we need due to wanting to publish Minutes of meetings, Chapter newsletters and financial reports as well as pictures of chapter rallies.

Leo talked about CMS (Content Management System) and HTML stands alone.

Maureen asked who will own the data. If we go with FMCA does it belong to them?

John T explained Tom and Leo could put all the old information from the web site into an Archive section so it could be referred to if someone wants to refer to it.

At this time we had one license expire for the web site in October, but we still own the domain name until 2021, When that expires we can change the domain name if we want to.

Maureen asked what the price would be if not using word press, Leo believes it would be less.

Charlotte made a motion to allow Tom and Leo to continue with setting up the current site not to exceed $200.00 per year using (HTML and CMS). Lou 2nd

Charlie wanted to table this motion until we get further information, however not action was taken. Charlotte and Lou agree we should proceed on. John T asked for any further discussion, no further discussion and the vote was called.

Lou Snow Yes
Charlotte Burrell Yes
Charlie Lawrence No
Patty Pritchard No
Maureen Pelletier Abstained
John Poppe Yes
Anne Archambault Yes

Motion passed

John T thanked Tom and Leo for their help and asked them to get back to us with an update as soon as possible.

Secretary Report:

Anne asked if everyone has had a chance to review the minutes for January 5th 2020. Maureen stated she was not going to the Yankee Travelers rally that was someone else. Anne stated she made the change. Charlotte stated she was concerned the minutes reflect the dirty laundry and concerned about having cliques within the board. Patty said we shouldn’t accuse each other of things that we are not aware of.

Maureen made a motion to accept the minutes of Jan 5, 2020 as corrected. Patty 2nd

Charlie Lawrence Yes
Lou Snow Yes
Maureen Pelletier Yes
Patty Pritchard ` Yes
John Poppe Yes
Charlotte Burrell No
Anne Archambault Yes

Motion to accept the minutes of Jan. 5, 2020 Passed

Anne asked if everyone has reviewed the minutes of Jan. 26, 2020. Anne asked if there are any corrections.

Maureen made a motion to accept the Minutes of Jan. 26, 2020 Charlie Lawrence 2nd. John T asked if there was any discussion, no discussion so the motion was called.

Charlie Lawrence Yes
Lou Snow Yes
Patty Pritchard Yes
Charlotte Burrell Yes
Maureen Pelletier Yes
John Poppe Yes
Anne Archambault Yes

Motion to accept the minutes of Jan. 26, 2020 Passed.

Anne announced she sent a letter to Colton RV and it arrived on Feb 1 2020 but she has not heard from anyone there yet.

She also announced she sent a “Thinking of you “Card to Charlie Schrenkel and John Seeley.

Treasurer Report:

Maureen announced there has not been any activity with the checkbook.

The IRS has announced the mileage reimbursement has been reduced to $0.57.5 (fifty seven. five cents per mile). She states she will be sending the board a new form for reimbursement with the correct milage.

Maureen stated she is uncomfortable doing the taxes this year and will be sending the books to and accountant for taxes as we brought in money for 2019. Maureen stated she filed for 2018 via the post card method, as there was no income to the Northeast Area. Barbara stated the accounting firm of Edelstein helped with accounting research and paperwork was done without a fee for 2017. Lou asked if there was money appropriated for this. Maureen stated $300.00 is in the budget for an accountant. Anne asked what accounting firm Maureen will be doing the taxes. Edelstein is the name that last helped Barbara. Barbara stated the monies appropriated for the budget was based on what Jim Sennet appropriated for the accountant he used as treasurer.

John asked Anne to send a letter to Donna Merlino and Tom Ziobrowski that the board voted to not refund their request for reimbursement for the Susquenango Rally in 2018. He requested the letter be sent via USPS with the reason why the board voted to deny their request.

Lou made a motion to adjourn the meeting and John Poppe 2nd.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm

Next meeting March 8, 2020 at 7pm

Respectfully submitted
Anne Archambault, Northeast Secretary
Minutes approved 2/26/2020
Northeast Area Minutes
Date: January 26, 2020
Time: 7:00 pm
Conference Call
John calls the meeting to order at 7:05pm

Anne announces she is recording the conference call and asks if there are any objections, hearing non she continues.

Roll Call:

Present: John Traphagen, Lou Snow, Charlie Lawrence, Charlotte Burrell, John Poppe, Patty Pritchard, Maureen Pelletier, Anne Archambault, Barbara Smith, immediate Past President, and Connie Pool, Parliamentarian

Invited Guest: Tom Roule and Leo Ouellette.

John Traphagen asks Anne for the Secretary report but Charlie Lawrence wants to hold the Secretary Report until after the discussion of the web site.

Web Site

Tom and Leo met with Jason to have a work shop on the web site. Both Tom and Leo stated Jason explained what was going on with the web site development and they stated they thought we would not be happy with it. Maureen asked if they got any training and both stated yes to some degree but there is lots of creation to be done.

They both stated some concerns:

We would not be getting as much as before

It could not do anything unique

It doesn’t have enough space for some of the material we want to post.

It needs lots of creation to get it done

Charlotte is concern with the progress from Cincinnati. What are we going to do? Tom said Leo had a far superior web site. Tom states he still has the Northeast Blog available. It was asked if Leo could get back the web site we had in the past.

When we talked to Jason from FMCA they thought this could be the pilot for all areas and it would have the same look for each area to make it easier for members .However according to Jason when Tom asked the amount of mega bites needs to be limited so it won’t overload their system and shut it down

John asked for input from the members

Charlotte concerned it is taking a long time to get up and running from National and it was suppose to be so our members could share pictures and rally information.

Maureen agreed and concerned about the lack of room on the server and asked if we could put a link on the FMCA website to the cloud so members could see everything. Leo explained the cloud was just a backup and would not work for that reason. Maureen asked if Jason could join a meeting to explain more about the website, John answered yes but we could also make a decision without his approval.

Anne also concerned about the amount of room on the server

Charlie asked for more information about why we chose to go with FMCA. John again explained the original website renewal was due and FMCA proposed they could provide us with all the necessary information and they wanted to get going helping areas with their website. Charlie stated we should suspend our involvement with FMCA and look for another host.

John T explained he was not computer savvy and thought what Jason proposed would be easy but now it doesn’t seem that way.

Lou asked John about when did we expect to see the Web site up and running, John stated that Jason promised the new web site would be up and running in about a month but it has been more than 3 months and nothing has happened. He stated we should abandon what we are doing now and go back to what Leo was doing.

It was decided that we want the website to be friendly to those using it and the FMCA site doesn’t seem to be friendly.

Tom and Leo stated they are willing to do some research on other websites and Leo will check with the previous website to see what it would cost to go back to it. Tom stated he will get information out on the blog until we can get a web site update.

Tom feels the web site and blog has not gotten info out to membership so the Board will have to provide Chapters the info to get messages out to its members.

Maureen hesitates sending info to Chapters to the old web site.

Blog is available and can be used while developing the new web site.

John T asked Leo to research the previous website and report back. Board members supported concerns and want to move in another direction and explore alternatives

Charlie made a motion to suspend and withdraw all support of the National Website. Patty 2nd. Some further discussion about what the board sees as important for the website.

Vote taken:

Lou Snow Yes
Charlie Lawrence Yes
Charlotte Burrell Yes
Patty Pritchard Yes
John Poppe Yes
Maureen Pelletier Yes
Anne Archambault Yes

Motion passed to suspend and withdraw all support of the National Website.

Charlie asked if Tom and Leo will be on the committee and willing to stay and report back. They both agreed. John stated Tom was the webmaster and Leo was the assistant webmaster.

Charlotte made a motion that Tom and Leo investigate alternative host for a website including the costs to provide what we need. Lou 2nd. Discussion followed about the need to empower our members to use a good website.

Lou Snow Yes
Charlie Lawrence Yes
Charlotte Burrell Yes
Patty Pritchard Yes
John Poppe Yes
Maureen Pelletier Yes
Anne Archambault Yes

Motion passed

Maureen requested clarification of Connie, Does John have the authority to appoint committees? Connie answered yes, except the Nominating Committee, and he should notify the Board of his decision.

Maureen asked Tom and Leo if they have a standardized questions to make sure they are comparing apples to apples and asking the same questions to all potential website servicers.

Tom suggested writing a set of requirements
  • Ease of the website
  • Age friendly
  • Use blog for the transition (send info to Chapter Presidents and National Directors
John thanked Tom and Leo for their help and excused both.

Secretary Report:

Anne asked if everyone received the minutes of Jan 5 for their review and if there were any corrections.

Charlie stated Anne omitted a statement of the Sr Vice President at the last meeting and wanted the information that Lou said put in the minutes. Charlie stated Lou asked for resignations of area officers if they are not able to support the area rally. Anne stated she would have to review the recorded minutes to be able to write them as stated. Lou was concerned he did not state it that way and asked Charlie if he was looking for an apology, Charlie said no he want it included in the minutes. Patty stated she believes it that way in the recording and that is what Lou stated.

Anne asked for clarification from Connie as to the lack of motion to accept the minutes, Connie stated as long as there is no motion it can be brought back at another meeting. Secretary to review the recording and bring it back to the Board members.

Maureen stated she contacted Anne about one correction of the ending Budget should be ending balance for Nov. 30, 2019. She also asked Anne to correct the spelling of her last name.

Treasurer Report :

Maureen stated there have been no changes since last meeting.

John asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting

Patty announces she will not be available on Feb 2 but she will return for a meeting on Feb 9, 2020

Lou made motion to adjourn meeting

Patty 2nd

Meeting adjourned at 8:29pm

Respectfully submitted
Anne Archambault

Minutes approved 2/9/20
Northeast Area Minutes

Date: January 5, 2020
Time: 7pm
Conference Call

John called the meeting to order @ 7:04pm and asked the secretary to do roll call.

Anne announced she was recording the meeting then continued with Roll Call

Present: John Traphagen, Lou Snow, Charlotte Burrell, Charlie Lawrence, Patty Pritchard, John Poppe, Maureen Pelletier, Anne Archambault, Barbara Smith immediate Past President, and Connie Poole Parliamentarian.

Secretary Report:

Anne asked if everyone had received the minutes of Dec 8, 2019 for review, all answered yes Lou Snow made a motion to accept the minutes of December 8, 2019, Charlotte 2nd.

Anne asked if there were any corrections, Maureen stated that the Ending balance for Nov30, 2019 was not in the notes, Anne corrected that. Charlotte stated a mistake was made about a vote to abstain that was also corrected. Anne also stated she did not put in the minutes a second for motion to adjourn but listened to the recording again and believes Charlotte 2nd Charlie’s motion to adjourn the December 8, 2019 meeting. No other corrections were made, Anne was asked to take the roll call vote.

Charlie discussed the fact that Patty was absent at the last meeting and therefore was counted as absent during roll call. She was able to join the meeting and announced herself but had to leave numerous times again announcing she returned and left the meeting. Charlie’s concern the notes will reflect confusion. Connie stated it was noted in the notes each time she returned and left the meeting.

Lou Snow Yes
Charlie Lawrence Yes
Charlotte Burrell Yes
John Poppe Yes
Maureen Pelletier Yes
Anne Archambault Yes
Patty Pritchard Yes Late because her name was not called

Motion passed to accept the Minutes of December 8, 2019

Treasurer’s Report:

Maureen stated there are no updates as there have been no transactions. December Ending balance remains at $40,689.76.

At this time Charlie made note that Patty did not vote on the motion to accept the Secretaries report. Patty confirmed Anne did not call her name. Anne apologized and asked Patty for her vote to accept the Secretaries Report. Patty voted yes. Anne asked everyone to let her know if their name isn’t called right away and again she apologized.

Old Business:

Web Site update: John T announced there is a workshop this week for training of the Web Master and backup. Maureen asked who was the backup and John announced Tom Roule has taken the position of Web Master and Leo Ouellette will be the assistant web master. Charlotte stated she has looked at the web site and is concerned with information that doesn’t look like it belongs there (place holder). Maureen stated it might be there to reserve the space for when we decide what we want to put in that space. Charlotte asked if Anne sent the information to Jason for the newsletter for Harbour Festival, Anne did confirm she had sent it to Jason.

NEA Rally update:

John stated we will have a rally in 2020.

Anne asked if everyone received the proper information for the vote taken at the last meeting. All but Barbara stated they received it, Anne told Barbara she would send it after the meeting. The information explained that Patty joined the meeting after John broke the tie and therefore we had voted to have the Northeast Area Rally in Essex Junction VT from July 9 to the 12, 2020. Charlie stated we voted it in and therefore we go as a body. Charlotte expressed grave concerned as to whether there will be full participation of the Board if we have a rally. She asked everyone who opposed the rally to state they will support the rally. Charlie stated that is an inappropriate question. Charlotte again stated her concern the board members will not support the rally.

Charlie stated his concern for not allowing a VP to weigh in on the issues and that is the concern. Charlotte stated Patty was not at the meeting when the vote was called and only came back after someone made a call to her to try to get a negative vote. Patty wants the notes to reflect that she was in a situation of being buried in the sand with her coach and received a text message from an unknown number and it stated she needed to be present to vote…”NO One Asked or Persuaded Me To Vote Either Way… I was just told a vote was being taken and I took it upon myself to be present”

All members of the board have the opportunity to know the issues.

Patty wanted everyone to know that her negative vote was hers alone, there was no influence from others.

Other Members of the board stated they made other arrangements for the summer because National would be holding the National Rally in the northeast area and would probably not need their help in the planning of the rally.

John T asked if everyone would be available for the Northeast Area Rally.

John Poppe stated he agrees everyone should be onboard and participate but when he has a vacation planned his personal life was priority and made arrangements to attend different functions during the summer months. John stated he will not be there, he is going to Maine and Rhode Island and then to Colorado for a possible wedding.

Charlie Lawrence stated he will be in Europe in July and August, he stated John T was aware he would be away right from the beginning. He stated he has spent his money and will capitalize on it.

Maureen Pelletier stated she made arrangements to go on a caravan to Alaska from July 17 to the end of August.

Patty Pritchard stated she would not be available in July but would be back 2 or 3 days before Harbour Festival July 22 to the 26th.

Maureen stated she booked the Alaskan Caravan anticipating National would be holding the convention in NY and the Northeast Area would not be having a rally and she needs to be in Dawson Creek by July 17 to the end of August.

John T explained he knew about Charlie’s trip and had made arrangements with Charlie to help out prior to leaving and the ability to turn over the responsibility to a Captain for the rally.

Lou Snow states it appears we will not have the majority of the board to serve the members of the Northeast area as their personal vacations take priority over serving the members of the northeast area. If you don’t want to do the job and put on a rally for the northeast area we should inform the members and ask for resignations and get people in place to put on the rally. Lou continues stating anyone who has served as an officer knows we put on a rally in July or August of each year and take care of private affairs after the job is done.

Barbara stated Lou is on the record as having voted against the rally when she took over as AVP, she states she is not talking about his medical issue last year but the year before. Lou stated “let’s not go there some of it is common knowledge some is not. Let’s not open Pandora’s box.”

If we are not there as a board it is going to fall on a few peoples’ shoulders.

Patty states our plans were made when we knew National was going to have their rally. She stated she made her arrangements based on the dates National was going to have their rally.

(Lou Snow stated his concern of the board members not available for help in the planning and support of the rally.)

John Poppe states he is having a conference call with his appointed Chapter National Directors, he states 3 Chapters have asked for the dates for the Northeast Area Rally.

There was some discussion to have the rally is June or Sept. no decision was made.

John T stated National requires all areas must have an Annual Meeting.

Connie Poole stated and Annual Meeting must have a simple majority of the board in attendance, so we need 5 board members to attend the annual meeting so we can have a proper meeting with voting.

John T stated he would still like to have an area rally and believes it can be successful. John T also stated the GEAR rally is at the end of Sept 30 to Oct 6, 2020. Also the Hersey RV show is Sept 16, 2020. Possibly, look at the end of June for a rally.

Maureen stated it might be easier to pull together an annual meeting.

John asked if anyone had compared the estimates for 200 coaches he sent out for review. Most of the costs that would be different from Syracuse would be things like coffee and donuts, entertainment and golf carts.

John asked if there were any places available for June or Sept for either a rally or annual meeting. We need to plan on 200 coaches for a rally or 75 coaches for the annual meeting. It was also suggested looking for campgrounds that could accommodate for annual meeting.


John stated he needed a decision for the reimbursement of the other board members for the Labor Day rally in Bainbridge NY in 2018.

Charlie Lawrence made a motion to deny payment to the applicants for the Labor Day rally in 2018. John Poppe 2nd.

There was no further discussion. John asked Anne to call roll for the vote:

Lou Snow No
Charlotte Burrell Yes
Charlie Lawrence Yes
Patty Pritchard Yes
Maureen Pelletier Yes
John Poppe Yes
Anne Archambault No

Motion passed that the reimbursement request would be denied.

John T asked Anne to send letters to the applicants to notify them of the vote.

Next meeting will be February 2, 2020

Lou made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Charlie 2nd

Meeting adjourned at 8:27pm

Respectfully submitted
Anne Archambault NE Area Secretary

Minutes approved 2/9/2020