The following are meeting notes September through December 2019 of the Northeast Area Board of FMCA.
They are from newest to oldest
Northeast Area Minutes
Date: December 8, 2019Time: 7:00pm
Conference Call
John called the meeting to order at 7:01pm and asks for roll call
Present: John Traphagen, Lou Snow, Charlie Lawrence, Charlotte Burrell, John Poppe, Maureen Pelletier, Anne Archambault, Barbara Smith (Immediate Past President)
Absent: Patty Pritchard, Connie Poole (Parliamentarian)
Invited Guest: Terry Metcalf (Bylaws Committee)
Anne turned over the meeting back to John T
John introduced Terry Metcalf to the board and stated he was invited to give a Bylaws Committee update. Terry stated the committee has been meeting regularly and have just completed the Code of Ethics, and working on the Bylaws and Standing Rules. Charlie asked when will they be ready, Terry answered they will be ready 120 days prior to the annual meeting.
John T asked if there were any questions from the board, no questions were asked. No questions were asked; Terry thanked the board for the time and stated he was leaving the meeting as he has another meeting.
Secretary Report:
Anne asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes of Nov. 17, 2019. Everyone stated they had read them. A couple of minor corrections were made. Patty was able to join the meeting. Charlotte made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected, Maureen 2nd, Roll call for the vote:
Lou Snow Yes
Charlie Lawrence Yes
Charlotte Burrell Yes
John Poppe Abstained
Maureen Pellitier Yes
Anne Archambault Yes
Patty Pritchard Not Present
Motion passed.
Anne explained she had made a mistake asking for a vote from John T as he would only vote to break a tie. Also Abstained votes counts as a non vote.
Anne asked if it would be good to just put discussion on a motion be put in the minutes or does the group want all discussion reflected in the minutes notes.
After more discussion on how much of discussions we had as aboard we would include all in the minutes.
Treasurer Report:
Maureen reported the ending balance for the Northeast Area as of 10/31/2019 is $41,263.66.
Ending Balance for the Northeast Area Rally as of 10/31/2019 is loss of $14,130.27.
Ending balance for the Northeast Area as of Nov. 30, 2019 is $40689.76.
Anne made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report Charlotte 2nd.
Discussion: Anne asked about rally refunds of $570.00, Maureen stated they were for two coaches and other expenses for the rally. Anne asked who authorized the refunds, Maureen stated Barbara Smith as she was the rally host.
We are still waiting for a payment from Colton RV for reimbursement for coaches sold at the Syracuse rally. This will have an effect on the final balance of rally profit/loss balance. Charlotte offered to contact Colton RV but John asks Anne to send a letter requesting the reimbursement that was promised to Barbara during her negotiations with them.
Anne asked if any vendors requested a refund, Maureen states no vendors have requested a refund.
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was read again pending a letter response from Colton RV. Roll Call of vote:
Lou Snow Yes
Charlie Lawrence Yes
Charlotte Burrell Yes
John Poppe Yes
Maureen Pellitier Yes
Anne Archambault Yes
Patty Pritchard Abstained
Motion Passed
Old Business:
Patty states she is having a problem and must leave the meeting.
John updated information on the web site; Jason has been away and will get back to John this week. It was asked if Leo had been trained yet but there was no answer because Jason has been away, John offered to send out the web site address to the board members for all to review again. It was asked if there would be another meeting with Jason if board members had any questions or corrections, John stated no as Jason has to train Leo so we can get the web site active. John announced that all communication for the Newsletter will first be sent to the Secretary and she will forward it to the web master. Maureen asked if there is a back up to work with Leo yet. John will check with Tom Roule.
NEA Rally 2020:
John announced there are 3 sites to have the 2020 rally, and he sent to all board members the information from each for all to review.
John T stated that Ira Miller was not able to talk to anyone for Sussex NJ and the buildings are open to the air.
Essex Junction VT has enclosed buildings and would be available for rally opening July 9-12 2020.
Charlotte made a motion to hold the NEA rally for 2020 at Essex Junction July 9th to the 12th. Lou seconded Discussion on the proposal took place and pros and cons including buildings were enclosed, electricity would be provided to everyone. The advance crew would have to arrive on or around the 6th of July.
John Poppe stated we shouldn’t have a rally in 2020, instead have one in 2021. John T stated the Bylaws state we need to have a rally, Barbara corrected stating we must have an annual meeting. It was asked what the penalty for not having an Annual Meeting. National could remove the Charter. It was also discussed that we must have a quorum to conduct a meeting as there will be voting issues. Discussion included the possibility of Conference call for the presidents and national directors for the annual meeting. That is not possible for voting purposes. Barbara suggested doing a budget before making a decision. John stated you make a budget once you establish a site for the rally, Maureen stated a budget for 2020 was voted on at the NEA annual meeting in 2019.
The motion to have a rally in Essex Junction VT July 9 to the 12th 2020 was called. Voting members:
Lou Snow Yes
Charlie Lawrence No
Charlotte Burrell Yes
John Poppe No
Maureen Pelletier No
Anne Archambault Yes
The vote was tie at 3 to 3. John T was asked for his vote, he voted Yes.
Patty announced she is joining the meeting and Charlie explained the voting and asked what her Vote is, After she asked some questions She votes No.
John stated we must have an annual meeting and the discussion included inviting all Chapter Presidents and National Directors to a weekend meeting. Patty suggested it would be terrible to have a rally without a good budget. Patty then left the meeting as she was having trouble with parking her motor home. John asked when and where will we be able to hold an Annual Meeting
Some members feel this is means a No vote to hold a NEA Rally for 2020.
John asked Barbara if she was able to speak to Colton RV about the agreement they had with her to reimburse the NEA for coaches sold at the rally. During the discussion she stated Colton went to a rally in VA and sold 31 coaches. In Syracuse she believes 6 coaches were sold. John asked the secretary to send a note to Colton RV for the discussed amount of monies due the Northeast.
In compliance with our bylaws we must hold an annual meeting, where and when???
Charlie suggested 2021 rally should be held in Essex Junction and we will have enough time to prepare and have a successful rally. John stated National will be holding that rally in Gillette WY, July 7 to 10th 2021.
Lou Snow made a motion to adjourn the meeting
Charlie made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Charlotte 2nd
Next meeting Jan 5, 2020
Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm
Respectfully submitted,
Anne Archambault, Northeast Area Secretary
Minutes approved January 5, 2020
Northeast Area Minutes
Date: November 17, 2019Time: 7:00pm
Conference Call:
John called the meeting to order at 7:06pm
Secretary announces she is recording the meeting and asks if there are any objections, hearing no objections she continues with roll call
Present: John Traphagen, Lou Snow, Charlie Lawrence, Charlotte Burrell, Patty Pritchard, Maureen Pellitier, Anne Archambault, Barbara Smith, and Connie Poole (Parliamentarian)
Absent: John Poppe
Secretary Report:
Anne asks if everyone received the minutes of November 3, 2019.
All respond yes. Anne asks if there are any questions or corrections, no corrections or questions, John asks if there is a motion to accept the minutes of Nov. 3.
Charlotte made a motion to accept the secretary report of Nov. 3, 2019 Charlie 2nd , there was no further discussion and John asked for a vote. Minutes passed unanimously.
Anne asked about contacting Susquenango chapter to let them know we are working on getting the financial information posted on the web site and will answer any questions they may have after reviewing the financials for themselves
Anne read a request form the Bussin Buddies Chapter to have an independent audit of the treasurer’s books for the 2 years prior the John Traphagen taking office.
It was decided to get a note out to both Chapters and let them know we received their request and we are considering the request.
Treasurer’s Report:
Maureen reported there have been no changes since our last meeting, however she does anticipate changes for the next meeting, Ex Maureen has the address for the VFW and will be sending a donation for $50.00 for their participating at the Syracuse Rally. There will also be more checks written for former Officers as stated below.
Maureen reported she has received a request from John T. to reimburse for former officers that voted to be reimbursed for their participation in the Annual Meeting held in Bainbridge Sept. 2018. The board at that time voted to reimburse the officers on 7-22-18 and the vote appears in the minutes of that date. John stated this was not open for this board to discuss. However other board members remember a discussion where it was decided not to reimburse the previous board. Anne stated she did not have any minutes where the board voted to reverse the decision of 7-22-18. She asked Barbara what date that decision was made; Barbara stated she had it in her notes but would have to get back to this board with that information.
Connie read the minutes of the July 22, 2018 notes where the board voted to reimburse the members for the expenses of the Bainbridge, NY Rally.
Maureen stated she had a conflict of teleconference vs going to the rally. John stated this was supposed to be the Northeast Area annual meeting via conference call. Barbara stated the Annual meeting was cancelled for Bainbridge because the Audit results needed to be set up before the annual meeting per the Bylaws.
Connie’s concern is that members spent money to go to the Bainbridge rally and it was approved on the July 22, 2018 meeting.
Charlie has a concern that John directed Maureen to make the reimbursements without the approval of this board.
Charlotte asked how much money was involved, Maureen stated she did not have those figures as she does not have good internet service and will have to wait till Tuesday or Wednesday.
Someone asked how many board members of the Susquenango Chapter were going to the rally anyway; Lou stated not all members of the board are members of that chapter.
Charlotte asked again if any dollar amount could be guessed. Maureen guessed around $1000.00 and John thought it was more like $1200.00. Four members requested reimbursement they included: Donna Merino, Tom Ziobrowski Lou Snow and John Traphagen. John questioned why it was not sent out by the previous board. He stated on October 24th 2018 Barbara sent out an email to certain members stating she would get back to them. Donna and Tom received an email August 16, 2019 that the board did not approve the reimbursement.
Patty asked why it wasn’t sent out from the previous board, Barbara explained the President has to approve the expenses and didn’t send it to the previous Treasurer, and Maureen looked back and stated there was no treasurer at that time. Maureen said she notes the books were returned to National on August 29, 2018 and Barbara opened an account in September 2018.
Barbara stated and read that Article 4 paragraph 5 of the Bylaws all board members will serve without compensation, and at the time there was no board and no treasurer.
Charlie is concerned that this president is acting without approval of this board. Lou stated the members just want to be reimbursed and it was not the intent to create this situation.
Charlie wants the courtesy of informing the board before action is taken.
Maureen stated that any President’s expenses must be approved by 2 Vice Presidents before any check is sent out; John is now the presiding President so his check will have to be approved by 2 Vice Presidents. John requested that since Lou is the Senior Vice President it would be right to have 2 Vice Presidents approve his expense also as he was Sr. VP at the time of the Bainbridge Meeting Patty stated she would review the request if the request were sent to the Vice Presidents. Maureen requested that John send his and Lou’s request to each of the Vice Presidents for approval.
Old Business:
Web Site, John spoke to Jason and he is looking for more information such as newsletters, By Laws and Standing Rules. John stated he sent out an email to the board but a number of members stated they did not receive it. Maureen suggested we send out a financial report for all to read and that may satisfy the concerns of some of the members. It was suggested a complete financial report be published along with the financial report in the minutes of each meeting.
Charlotte requested clarification of the order which information be directed to the web site. John confirmed that all articles should go to the Northeast Secretary then onto the Web Master where he will publish it on the Web Site.
John announced the By Law Committee has been working on the By Laws. Charlie asked if they were working on the 1 time Standing Rules change we will need to get back into compliance of our Standing Rules to get elections back to the normal after this year’s special election.
John asked Barbara if she has heard anything from Colton RV for the donation after selling coaches at the rally. John asked what the contract said. Barbara explained there was no contract but a Dealer letter stating there would be no charge to display the coaches but if any were sold a donation of $100.00 would be made if they sold a coach. Barbara stated she had tried to contact them and would try again.
John stated a Chapter still had not paid for the ad in the program book for the Syracuse Rally. Barbara stated she had spoken to the treasurer and she had the invoice and would be sending the check along.
NEA Rally 2020 Sites:
John reported he and Lou spoke to Jamie and Jeff at Essex Junction VT for a rally, they stated they would send information for a rally July 14 to the 19th. John will let the board know when he gets the information.
Ira Miller will be sending information for the 2020 rally after talking to Sussex NJ fairgrounds. We will need generators for electricity at $500.00 per day for 3 generators. John explained the fairgrounds is a Not for Profit organization vs a Non Profit Organization. More information will be coming.
John said he will be checking with INDO for a possible place.
International Rally 2020:
Sites that are being considered are: Lincoln Nebraska, Tulsa Oklahoma, Hutchinson Kansas, Sedalia Missouri, and Gillette Wyoming.
The committee is looking at the end of August to the end of Sept. for 14 days.
New Business:
When the web site is up and running we will post the financial report as well as the minutes.
Anne has been asked to contact the Susquenango Chapter and the Bussin Buddies Chapter with a letter acknowledging their letters and concerns.
John told Patty he would get her a contact person (National Director) from Susquenango.
John said the By Laws Committee will be having a conference call meeting November 20, 2019. He stressed that all changes must be in the hands of the National Directors for a vote at the annual meeting no later than June 1, 2020. Connie explained that the committee has to submit the changes 120 days prior to the meeting to the NEA Board for suggestions and then to the National Directors 60 days prior to the vote.
John explained that he would get as much information to the Board as soon as he gets it and if we need to we will have a mid week meeting otherwise the next scheduled meeting will be December 8, 2019.
Lou made a motion to adjourn at 8:29pm Charlotte 2nd all approved
Respectfully submitted
Anne Archambault, Northeast Area Secretary Approved 12/8/2019
Northeast Area Minutes
Date: November 3, 2019
Time: 7pm
Conference Call:
John called the meeting to order at 7:01pm
Roll Call: Anne announced she would be recording the meeting if there are no objections, no objections Anne continued with Roll Call.
Present: John Traphagen, Lou Snow, Charlotte Burrell, Charlie Lawrence, Patty Pritchard, John Poppe, Maureen Pelletier, Anne Archambault, Barbara Smith, Connie Poole Parliamentarian.
Secretary Report:
Anne asked if everyone had received the minutes of the October 6th meeting. All responded they had and there was one correction, John stated that Bob Mills has volunteered to be the Volunteer at Large so we should remove the sentence stating we were looking for a volunteer. Maureen made a motion to accept the minutes of October 6, 2019 as corrected, Charlie 2nd Motion was approved unanimously.
Anne announced she received a formal written request from the Susquenango Chapter of FMCA for an independent audit of the NEA Treasury Account. Anne read the formal request and John requested we wait until we get to New Business for discussion.
Treasures Report:
Maureen went over the rally expenses and mentioned that National made a deposit of $2000.00 for having educational seminars. John Poppe will get a name so Maureen can make the donation to the color guard. We are still waiting for payment from Colton for the number of coaches sold that was agreed on; Barbara will follow up with Colton. There is still a chapter that has not paid for the ad in the Program from the Syracuse Rally.
2020 Rally:
John announced there was an Executive Board National Meeting and it was announced that the 2020 rally would not be held in Syracuse. There was suppose to be a signed contract by October 15, 2019 but no contract has been signed, so the Executive Board voted to look elsewhere for the 2020 rally. Patty asked where it would be held; John said it would not be held in the Northeast so we will have to organize a Northeast Rally for the summer of 2020. John stated National was looking in different areas and we would be notified as soon as a decision was made.
Connie asked if everyone got a copy of the letter she received from the National Parliamentarian, everyone stated they did. Charlotte asked what it meant. Connie explained that all that are in office now will stay for two years. In 2021 the entire Board will be up for election. The Treasurer, and three Vice Presidents will serve for a 2 year period, The Sr. Vice President and the Secretary and one Vice President will serve for a 1 year period per our Standing Rules paragraph 3.
Charlie asked if the By Laws and Standing Rules will be re written before the election. We may have to make a 1 time change to the Standing Rules to be in compliance with our Bylaws and Standing Rules.
Patty asked what we need to do to be in compliance according with the By Laws and Standing Rules.
Patty made a motion to have another election to be in compliant according to National Parliamentarian, in 2021 Lou 2nd . Further discussion on how to stay in compliance was discussed.
Patty made a motion to withdraw her motion and Lou 2nd.
Charlie made a motion to Follow the National Parliamentarian suggestion to have a onetime standing rule change for an election of Board Members for 2021 complete board for a one year term then continue with the original procedure of on the odd years election of the Treasurer and 3 Vice Presidents till 2023 and the even years for Secretary, Senior Vice President and one Vice President for 2022.
Roll call for a vote was taken, Motion passed unanimously.
Vice President Workshops:
Charlotte reported she held her 1st workshop with 3 of her National directors and believed it was successful. She will continue to have them, lots of information was shared.
Charlie reported he is still waiting to hear from 3 National Directors.
Patty is also waiting to hear from 3 National Directors.
John and Lou did not have a report.
John stated that he would like a list of those the VP’s are not able to make contact and he will see what he can do on the National Level.
Harbourfest will take place in July next year. Charlotte would like this to be posted on the website as soon as it goes online.
Northeast Area Officers are now responsible to host a Northeast Rally for 2020.
John suggested Essex Junction VT.
Syracuse We lost money this past year, probably not a good choice for 2020.
Freiburg, ME fairground might be a good choice.
Springfield, MA, Very expensive.
Labor Day Weekend would not be a good choice for dates.
RV Shows:
Charlotte reported the big RV Show in the New York would be in March and the cost will be $695.00. FMCA would only support us with flyers but no monetary help. Therefore we will not be participating.
Charlotte reported she attended the New York Central end of the year dinner and represented the NE Officers. She reported they would like an increase in communication with the Northeast Board.
Financial Reports:
John revisited the request from the Susquenango chapter for a request for an independent Audit of the financial books. Maureen stated the treasures report was voted on at the annual meeting in Syracuse 2019 and an audit was performed by the newly elected audit committee and found in good order. Discussion was held on the concerns of the Chapter and it was decided to get the Web Site up and running with the Treasurer’s Report published for 2018 to 2019 for all to review and then questions will be answered.
Charlie made a motion to table the discussion of a financial independent audit of the until we get a clear understanding of a request by any Chapter until the Web Site is up and running with the information so all Chapters can review it. Lou 2nd roll call was taken and motion passed unanimously.
John will be in touch with Jason this week about the Web Site changes we made at the conference call workshop.
Next Board Meeting Nov 17, 2019
Meeting adjourned: 8:55pm
Respectfully submitted,
Anne Archambault, Northeast Area Secretary
Minutes approved, November 17, 2019
Northeast Area Minutes
Date: October 6, 2019
Time: 7pm
Conference Call:
John called the meeting to order at 7pm and asked Anne for Roll Call. Anne announces she is recording the meeting and asked if there are any objections, no objections were raised and Anne continues with roll call.
Present: John Traphagen, Lou Snow, Charlie Lawerence, Patty Pritchard, John Poppe, Charlotte Burrell, Maureen Pelletier, Anne Archambault, Barbara Smith, Connie Poole ( Parliamentarian)
Secretary Report
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
NEA Rally Report
Website update
Volunteer at Large for International Rally
New Business:
2020 NEA Board elections
Secretary and Treasurer Operating Budget
John announces that Lou is with us on the call but will not be able to speak too much.
Secretary Report:
Anne asked if everyone received the Minutes for Sept 8th 2019 and did anyone have any corrections or comments. Connie Poole stated she has not received them, Anne stated she did not send them to her but will send them in the future. Hearing no other concerns Maureen made a motion to accept the minutes of Sept 8, 2019. Patty 2nd and the motion passed.
Anne asked if everyone received the minutes for Sept. 11th 2019 and did anyone have any questions or corrections. Hearing no concerns Charlotte made a motion to accept the minutes of Sept. 11, 2019 Patty 2nd and the motion passed.
Anne announced she has had no outside communication, John asked the board to get in touch with Anne if there is any need to send cards of condolence to anyone.
Treasurer’s Report:
John announced he had a workshop with Maureen, Connie and Lou to discuss the budget and a more detailed Tres. Report Rally Expenses vs Area Expenses
Ending balance for rally expenses is now a loss of $15859.91
We are still waiting for an income check from FMCA for educational seminars.
Still waiting form expenses of Ladies social and donation to Camp Sunshine, and waiting to get the address for the Color Guard to send a donation.
Waiting to hear from Burdick for their donation for coaches sold and Barbara stated there may be additional expenses for the rally.
Area Report:
Maureen presented to the board from Jan1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 stating the only expense in Sept is to the New Your State Fair.
John received an Email from Jason about the web site, we had discussion on the blog information, Tom Roule does it and he will need to talk to Jason about any changes.
Discussion on changing the domain name: Patty said changing the domain name was ok but not for Emails for the board, and would there be a cost of $2.00 per email. John to check with Jason to verify any costs and the email situation.
Patty made a motion to accept the change of the domain name and table the email situation until John can speak to Jason. Maureen seconded for clarification, motion passed.
Anne asked if the Web site information was approved by National Executive Board, yes it has been approved and now National will open Web site to all Areas. Each Area will keep their web master and training will begin soon with Leo Ouellette for the Northeast Area. Tom Roule will be asked to be a second person to train for the web master position and to continue with doing the blog. Barbara stated Ed would be available for help with the web site.
Vice President Responsibilities:
John announce to the Board that he keeps Lou informed about everything in case he is unable to perform his duties as President of the Northeast Area.
John asked Charlie if he could share his letter of introduction to the National Directors for the Northeast Area. Charlie gave approval. John wants all our VP’s to send out a letter to all the assigned chapters and set up a conference call to discuss Chapter issues. Communication to Chapters is very important.
John noted Barbara is the only newly elected National Director for the Northeast Area as of this past Friday.
Committee Reports
By Laws committee is in place include Terry Metcalf and Jim Sennenet, Dan McCoy and Bob Mills will be an advisor. There is a workshop meeting scheduled for Monday night. John will have the Chairman get in touch with Maureen to get a copy of the present By Laws for them to get started.
Nominating Committee: There is a scheduled meeting Tuesday night. Our bylaws now state that on the even year there will be an election for the position of Secretary, Sr. Vice President and 1 other Vice President. On the odd years the other Vice Presidents and Treasurer positions will be elected. Positions are for a 2 year term, however this board was all elected at the same time so how will the elections take place. John expects to have an election this year but after much discussion Policies and Procedures does not determine how the one Vice President is decided on for election. John has referred to Connie Poole for information from the FMCA Parliamentarian for guidance in this situation.
Rally Location Committee
Bob Mills has accepted Volunteer Coordinator for the Syracuse International Rally .
Secretary and Treasurer operating expenses
John asked Maureen to get an operating budget in place for the treasurer’s position and he asked the secretary to bring back an operating budget for the secretary’s position.
John asked for a Vice President’s Workshop for getting ideas for the meetings with the National directors. Date will be October 20 at 7pm via conference call.
Next Board meeting will be November 3, 2019 @ 7pm
Charlie made a motion to adjourn the meeting Patty 2nd and the meeting adjourned at 8:31 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Anne Archambault Minutes approved Nov. 3, 2019
Northeast Area Minutes
Date: Sept 8, 2019
Time 7pm
Conference Call
John called the meeting to order 7:05pm.
John asked for roll call
Anne announced she was recording the meeting and said if there were no objections she would continue, no objections were voiced therefore she continued with roll call
Present: John Traphagen, Lou Snow, Charlie Lawerence, Patty Pritchard, John Poppe, Maureen Pelletier, Anne Archambault, Barbara Smith. Charlotte Burrell announced she was also present. Anne apologized she did not call her name.
Invited Guest: Connie Poole
John announces he has asked Connie to act as Parliamentarian.
Connie swears in John Traphagen as President of the Northeast Area. Anne announced that she has a copy of the Code of Ethics that John has signed along with Jon Walkers signature.
Secretary Report
Anne asks if everyone received a copy of the August 12, 2019 minutes. Everyone on the board responds yes, she asks for any corrections. A motion was made by Charlie to wave the reading of the minutes Lou 2nds it and the minutes were not read.
Charlie called the vote to accept the minutes with corrections All in favor, motion carries.
Correspondence: Leo Ouellette sent a copy of the contract for the web site for the board’s consideration. John states we will go over that under New Business.
Anne announces she received a request from Bob Mills from Alleo Quebec chapter to send a sympathy card to Diane Dargis as her husband Michael passed away while on a very long trip. Bob states he is working with Seven Corners to get Michael’s remains home. Anne states she sent a card from the Northeast Area Board to the family.
Treasurer’s Report
Maureen asks if everyone received the information she sent out, a number of board members did not received it so Charlie made a motion to wave the report and send it out to those.
Balance of account after payment to the Fairgrounds will be $39,624.02. Barbara stated we are waiting for two deposits one from Colton RV for the number of coaches sold. The other deposit from FMCA for having 9 educational seminars. We are also looking for an address of the VFW Chapter that presented the colors We would like to make a donation.
Lou asked about refunds, Barbara stated some have been requested and have been made.
Old Business:
Future sites for rallies need a committee. John explained that Barbara had a committee but when she left office her committees were no longer active.
John will begin to appoint committees. The only active committees are the Audit and Nominating Committee because they were elected for a 2 year commitment. By Law and future site committees will be appointed by John. Connie suggested board members might have names for John for consideration. A Volunteer at Large is needed, John has asked someone and is waiting for an answer, and for volunteers for the Syracuse rally 2020.
Rally sites, Charlotte asked if we are committed to Essex Junction for 2021 and 2022. Barbara explained she made contact with the fairgrounds to see if any dates are available and asked if we could be penciled in. No contracts or deposit has been made to secure the dates. John stated he has been working with Bob Mills to try to have a rally in Canada.
New Business:
Charlie asked how John is going to use the Vice Presidents. John explained he was going to assign each vice president 6 chapters to be in contact with via telephone calls. Having workshops with the National Directors about the actions of the board and what the chapters need. Charlie suggested that it should be scripted so each VP sends out the same information. This would be a pilot program and FMCA will be watching to see the success.
John talked about the web site. The cost to renew our subscription would be $466.20 for a three year period; we paid $214.20 last time for a 3 year period. Some discussion took place but there are no answers so Lou suggested John talk to Leo. Patty made a motion to postpone any decisions until the next meeting Lou 2nd and the motion passed. We will have another meeting to discuss whether we need to find another site or vote on this site. Leo must know soon as his credit card will automatically be charged on Oct 3rd for renewal. John will contact Leo and FMCA I.T for further information.
John states he is leaving for Nova Scotia so the next scheduled meeting will be October 6, 2019.If anyone has anything for the agenda please get it to John or the secretary for consideration.
Motion to adjourn the meeting by Lou and 2nd by Charlotte all in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm
Respectfully submitted
Anne Archambault, Northeast Area Secretary
Approved 10/6/2019