Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Northeast Area Election - 2018

Once again, it's time to think about our Northeast Area Election. Below is the list of our nominating committee members. 

Those whose term is up have all stated they want to stay on and run for another term. 

The offices are Sr VP, Secretary, Treasurer and Two VP's. 

If any NEA FMCA member is interested in running for a position on the board they are more than welcome to send a resume’ in with their name, address, phone number, Chapter name and F# to the nominating committee.
The NEA secretary will be sending out information to all the NEA CHAPTERS in regards to all this as well.

If someone is interested in running for a board position the sooner they get their resume’ in the better. 

Once all Chapters have been notified and any resumes’ come back after the required time frame, ballots will be made up and sent to the Chapter delegate for voting and send back signed by them with their F# and Chapter name in the self addressed stamped envelope included with their ballot information.

Feel free to contact any of the nominating committee members with any questions you may have.

Terry Metcalfe

Harley Soulia

Tom Ziobrowski