Friday, April 13, 2018

FMCA is branching out

Spring has sprung! RVers who have been in winter “hibernation” start to turn their attention to preparing their homes on wheels for the upcoming travel season. Members of FMCA, a Cincinnati, Ohio-based organization for RV owners, are among those making plans for spring and summer travels.
FMCA members look to the association to provide them with benefits and services that enhance their travels. A vote of the membership of this group in late 2017 has made those services and benefits available to a wider audience of RV owners.
Prior to this vote, motorhomes — motorized RVs — had been the focus of the member-owned club, which dates back to 1963.
When asked about FMCA branching out to welcome even more RV owners to its family, FMCA national president Jon Walker said, “We’re excited to be able to use the expertise and knowledge FMCA has developed over the years within the motorhome realm to now serve the needs and interests of owners of all self-contained RVs. After all, the RV lifestyle is more about people than it is about the equipment RVers have chosen for their travels.”
Benefits offered by FMCA include a tire-purchasing program; special member-only rates on roadside assistance, mobile internet plans from Verizon and Sprint, and RV insurance; a monthly magazine in print and digital formats; and the FMCAssist Medical Emergency and Travel Assistance Plan, valued at $105 per family and included in the annual dues.
The cost to join FMCA is just $60 for the first year and $50 per year thereafter. The first-year fee includes a set of membership plates to display on one’s RV. Multiyear dues discounts are available.
FMCA is unique among the major RV clubs, because it is the only one owned and governed by its membership.
To join or to learn more, visit or call (800) 543-3622 or (513) 474-3622.
FMCA is an international organization for families who own and enjoy the use of self-contained recreation vehicles (RVs). The association maintains its national headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio, and currently has more than 75,000 active member families. FMCA offers its members a number of benefits, including a subscription to its monthly magazine; a medical emergency and travel assistance program valued at $105 per family; a tire purchasing program; group rates on a roadside assistance program and on RV and auto insurance; and discounted rates for RV tours and caravans. Perhaps the most important benefit of FMCA membership is the camaraderie and friendships that develop among people enjoying the common interest of RV travel. The organization can be reached at (513) 474-3622 or (800) 543-3622 and on the web at