Tuesday, May 1, 2018

NEA Officer elections

Current officers from the Northeast area are interested in running for reelection in 2018. Below is the list:
    Lou Snow - F-201098
                     Sr. VP
    Donna Merlino - secretary
    Don Osterhout  - VP
    Harley Soulia  - VP
    Jim Sennett - Treasurer

If anyone is interested in running for office, contact the nominating committee ASAP:

Terry Metcalfe 

Harley Soulia

Tom Ziobrowski 

We are not aware of any challengers at this time.

Don't throw it away

FMCA magazine showed up this week. But you might be temped to toss it. Don't! It's now called:

"family RVing"

There were some highlights from the international in Perry, Ga. However, they skipped our Area Vice President and her husband handing out ice cream during the Ice Cream Social. Below is a picture. Ed has the green hat.