Sunday, May 26, 2019

Northeast Area National Presidential Election

From Jon Walker, President of FMCA.

On May 7, 2019, the ballots for the election of the Northeast Area National Vice President were tabulated by FMCA’s certified public accounting firm, and the numerical results are as follows:
Barbara Smith, F329936 – 12
John Traphagen, F20711D – 12

In the event of a tie, a revote must take place.
PLEASE NOTE: Only Northeast Area Chapter National Directors may vote and will receive a ballot via USPS at their mailing address of record at the national office. If you will be traveling during this time and you will not be able to receive the ballot at your address on file, please contact Kathy Anderson at the national office, 513-474-3622, ext. 216, or email, to make other arrangements.
Jon Walker
Deadline is June 15th, 2019