Sunday, September 7, 2014

NMA News - Sept. 2014

Here are some edited excerpts of an email from Tom Ziobrowski to "Allo Quebec". 
"......we are set up under a fall resort package which gives us a permanent full hook up site.
  • Thank you for the complimentary invite. Included is the Lake George Classic car show and corvette rally, this weekend. 
  • The Adirondack Balloon Fest, in 2 weeks And finally the the first weekend in October the Warrensburg Worlds largest garage sale, which for us will also have at this resort my chapter in attendance for our fall rally and election of officers the same weekend. 
  • The following week we have to head to Cincinnati for the business meeting at national."
In addition, below are a couple updates about 2015 NEAR and the 2016 International.
"Next year's rally in Vermont will be July 8-12. Wednesday-Sunday . Sunday being move out day.

Tentatively it will be move in on Wednesday, Thursday the dinner cruise because of so many requests to bring it back again. Along with Bingo in the Blue Ribbon for those that do not do the cruise.

Friday it's Ed Clifford. Also, requested to have him back.

Saturday an all new group playing a variety of music that was a big hit at the Labor Day Susquenango Rally.

Discussions are under way, we have a verbal commitment from the 2 dealers already also. A few vendors have also contacted me about the dates also.

Finally we voted at the national convention in Redmond Oregon in August to host in 2016 a national rally in 2016. So we will not be having a rally of our own, as we will be busy as host since this event will fall in the Northeast Area. This will be a big plus for the area.

Again thank you so much, and to your hard working member Bob Mills whom I have had the pleasure to work with over the past several years at NEAR. Now having him on the board again with his expertise is going to make the future rallies great events."


Thomas Ziobrowski
Your Northeast Area President

Saturday, September 6, 2014

FMCA Nominating Committee

Once again, the NMA can use some help. The Northeast Area needs a representative for the FMCA Nominating Committee.

Chapter Services has provided the following information about the process. 

Tom Ziobrowski has asked that some information be sent to you regarding the FMCA Nominating Committee.  I have attached (pdf-not on this blog) one of our policy and procedures that explains the procedure and most of the responsibilities.  The majority of the work for this committee does not take place until the end of 2016 up until the 2017 election.  Please let us know if you have any further questions.  Thank you.

Below are the basics-
Committee Composition
1. The Governing Board shall, in even-numbered years, elect the five members of the Nominating Committee Elect by mail ballot.
2. The Nominating Committee Elect shall commence their term of service as the Nominating Committee after the Annual Membership Meeting in which the President, Senior Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer are installed.
3. Full Members, Full Lifetime Members, and Life Members, who are not incumbent National Officers and who are eligible to vote under the Bylaws, are eligible to serve on the Nominating Committee.
4. Any member of the Nominating Committee who seeks office or shares an FMCA membership with an individual seeking a position on the Executive Board shall recuse himself or herself from all discussion and deliberation regarding that position.
5. The Nominating Committee cannot campaign for any candidate.

More is available from:
Kathy Anderson
Chapter Services
extension 216

Friday, August 29, 2014

More News From Redmond

Roxie Marston from Frustrated Maestros report the following results from the International in Redmond:

I inquired from a Maestro at Redmond...and Syracuse was approved, 2016!!  Yeah!  Chas will not do NEAR 15 as we are doing GLAMA, early in June and the Madison. These were approved by the GB Redmond:
2016 Winter @ Perry
2016 summer @Syracuse, NY
2017 winter @ Pamona
Yes, they were approved.  Some changes might take place, especially the National Directors asked that an alternative to Pomona be considered.

Monday, August 18, 2014

News about Redmond from Tom Z

Great News. We got this over the weekend from Tom Ziobrowski.

FMCA Assist voted "IN" at the governing board meeting, after many questions and lengthy discussions during the meeting.

A very great benefit to current members as well as perspective members.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Tom Ziobrowski news from Redmond, OR

We got the following from Tom Z in Redmond. There may be more.

This international rally has opened my eyes so much more than in the past of 
others, it has my mind flying. What an experience this has been already.

It is now official, at our meeting today the executive board voted unanimously 
to except our 2015 rally dates. 

I have included a copy to Tom Oddy so he can put us in his schedule, board will 
go in on Sunday as usual, Monday is open things up & approved essential staff 
can come in, Tuesday volunteers, vendors, dealers move in unless other 
arrangement have been made and approved, Wednesday is move in day for attendees, 
and Sunday is move out day.



Tuesday, August 5, 2014

New England RV Dealers show

A summer RV show is being scheduled at Six Flags, New England in western Massachusetts. Dates are August 21-24, 2014.

There is a web site with more information about the show. To learn more click on the link below.

Other information may be obtained from:

Bob Zagami
Executive Director
New England RV Dealers Association
41 Deer Path
Hudson, MA 01749

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

FMCA International Coming to the Northeast

Charlie Adcock visited Harborfest. While there, he indicated he had not received a signed agreement from Syracuse.
So, we continue to wait for a final decision whether FMCA International comes to the Northeast Area.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Northeast Area Rally News

Charlie Adcock (FMCA President) announced he's on his way to Syracuse to finalize a deal for the FMCA International to be at the NY Fairgrounds in 2016.

He is coming to Harborfest. So, we might have more news after that.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Northeast Area Rally Highlights

Here are a few pictures from the first day at the Northeast Area in Essex Junction, VT.
Frustrated Maestros/Yankee Doodle Dandies

Our ship "comes in"
Thursday night was a 3 hour "MYSTERY CRUISE". There was lots of comedy and one of the passengers was the murderer.


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Northeast Area Rally Captains

 Here is the list of captains for the Northeast rally. There are the folks to look for if you need or want to help. Click on any of the pages to view full screen.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

NEAR Updates and caravan information

To:   Chapters of the Northeast Area,
  • There has been a request from the Captain of the Parking Crew. 
George Lewis would very much appreciate it if you plan on coming in with a caravan of 6 or more units, to please contact him as soon as you can.

CELL:     518-376-0962
  • The future of the Northeast Area depends on each and every one of you. Please be sure to get your Chapter AD in to Bob Mills, as we are at the dead line. And please if you can, offer to help even if it is only for an hour or two. The Captain’s list will be posted in the Lobby of North & South.
The board looks forward to seeing many of you all at the FIESTA,


Tom & Connie Ziobrowski                                                  Lou & Lucille Snow
Rally Hosts & President NEAFMCA                                   Senior VP & Rally Masters
23 Main St.                                                                            PO Box 71
Rexford, NY  12148                                                              Hardwick, MA  01037                                            
513-543-7421 (Cell)                                                             413-427-7785 (Cell)
518-399-0833 (Home)                                                         413-477-6939 (Home)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Susquenango Chapter Rally Registration Forms

For any one interested in joining our chapter I've also included our Officer Roster.  You can get in touch with anyone on the roster and they can give you information regarding our chapter and our rallies.

Thank you,

Safe & Happy Travels,

Donna Merlino

Susquenango Chapter (web site: )
   National Director
   Membership Chair

Friday, May 16, 2014

Interested in caravanning to FMCA International?

Are you are interested in joining a caravan from the Northeast FMCA Area Rally in Vermont to the FMCA Redmond, Oregon International Rally ?

Contact John Traphagen from the Hudson Islanders Chapter 845-744-5193

Tom Z

Friday, May 2, 2014

Family Campers & Recreational Vehicle Association

Folks might be interested in another RV club. It's headquarters are in Buffalo, NY and has been around more than 50 years. 
FCRV has their annual "CAMPVENTION" at Essex Junction, VT July 7-11. Below is a note to Tom Ziobrowski. Their web site is

April 29, 2014

Dear Tom (Z):

It was good talking with you again.  This is your invitation for all FMCA members to attend our Campvention in Essex Junction, VT.  The rally dates are July 7-11, 2014.  Members may arrive as early as July 4th at a cost of $25 per night.  Lloyd & Kay Humphrey are the Chairpersons for the rally and you may contact them at   Detailed information and the registration form are available at our website,   On the homepage, click on CAMPVENTION 2014.          

Per our conversation concerning commercial vendors, I will send a letter to our vendors who plan on attending and see if they wish to stay another week to participate in your rally.  I will send them your name and e-mail.  Also, you agreed to contact your commercial vendors and let them know that they are welcome to participate at our rally.

We agreed that you and I will include our invitations and information on the FMCA and FCRV  webpages.  Our contact person for the FCRV webpage is Vickie Roop.  You can reach her at  When I receive your contact information, I will get it posted on our website.

Again, it was good talking with you and I look forward to our two organizations working together. 

Campingly yours,

Paul D. Parsley

FCRV Commercial Director

Friday, April 25, 2014

Can you you help, please?


I am still looking for 1 person for the AUDIT committee, and 1 person for the NOMINATING committee.

We could use help with Joe Staruck & Bruce Scofield on security.

We need a Safety Director & Staff.

If you are also interested in being a volunteer at large and working with Cindy Smith, send me your info and I will forward it on to her.

Come on Northeast, I know the support is out there within all our chapters, the Rally is really looking super, wait till you see the new entertainment, wow, your rally master Lou Snow has a few great events for you.

So step up and volunteer even if it only for a few hours, it would be greatly appreciated. Show National that the Northeast Area has what it takes and let's pull together for a FUN time.

As the funny man says, GET ER DONE !

Tom Z
Your NEA President

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tom Z meeting with Mean Joe Green in Perry, GA

NEA President, Tom Ziobrowski & his wife, Connie working at the FMCA International in Perry Georgia. Joe Green loved hearing about my tales when I worked at SUNY-Albany when the New York Giants came in.
Connie had to drag me away as I caused the line for pictures with him backed up.
Super nice guy. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Charlie Adcock would like to visit your chaper

To all Northeast Area Chapters,
Charlie Adcock would like to visit some Chapter Rally's before he attends the Northeast Area Rally.  If you are interested in Charlie attending he will be available from June 22 until July 17th.  Please Let Tom Ziobrowski know at or 513-543-7421.
Thank you,
Kathianne Taylor
Secretary Northeast Area

Ad Prices for NEAR

For those chapters who might like to put an ad in the NEAR brochure, below are the prices.

Chapter Ad Prices

Full Page Color:                  $125.00
Half Page Color:                  $75.00
Quarter Page Color:            $50.00
Full Page:         B & W         $75.00
Half Page:        B & W         $50.00
Quarter Page:  B & W         $25.00
              The deadline for copy & payment is May 23rd.

Make Check Payable to: Northeast Area FMCA

Mail to: 
Northeast Area FMCA c/o 
Tom Ziobrowski 
23 Main St. 
Rexford NY 12148

Monday, February 24, 2014

NEAR Cruise

Here is some information for you all to share with your chapters and camping friends, The Thursday evening dinner cruise will a MURDER MYSTERY CRUISE on the Spirit of Ethan Allen. 6:30-9:00 pm. There will be a choice of 5 entrĂ©es, so everyone can order what they want. 

Be sure to check out the updated website: 

which also has a blog you can post your chapter events or whatever - just click on
Hope the snow birds are sun bathing as us eskimos are battling a blizzard, lol.

Tom Z

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

NEAR 2014 Registration form is available

Above we have the TAB to the registration form for 2014 NEAR. Click on the tab and you may down load it for printing.

News from Tom Ziobrowski at the Boston RV Show

January 20th
We are at the Boston RV show, huge turnout. So, many FMCA membership requests, I ran out of
Connie and Tom (click to view full screen)
applications. Over 150 flyers of ours we picked up with questions. Diamond RV is a go big time, they are now a Newmar dealer, coming with towable a also,
He wanted to give me a $500 sponsorship now, but advised him to wait to we get closer. Also, Newmar will be making a sponsorship cash donation, a coupon code - which I will send to all for northeast area to collect $200 per unit sold between now and the rally.  This will help cut are entertainment cost,  hopefully. We picked up Camping USA as vendor, and we plan on a Clear Channel TV ad, and received some door prizes for us, lots of questions,
Thank you John from Hudson Islanders for you help. This is what we need, and Tom & Anne - you two are big help.
Today is the last day of the show here so we should get home around midnight as it closes at 6:00.
Tom Ziobrowski

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

NEA Rally update - January 2014

Happy New Year Everyone,

         Wanted to give everyone an update on the Rally. At this point we have 3 dealer's interested with Diamond RV sponsoring the hot dog roast. So, if your chapter wants to handle passing out dogs please contact me.
           A  few seminars, vendors, sponsorships and ad's have already either been paid and commitments have been made. We even have door prizes already.
          Lou Snow your, Rally Master for 2014 has 3 nights of entertainment all booked.
NEW & TOTALLY DIFFERENT I think you all will be very impressed with the line up.
          Friday  Night it's Chicago
          Saturday Night it's the Mariachi Band with Dancer's
          Sunday Night it's Ed Clifford the known as the Singing Juke Box
Along with this flyer to share with your chapter and camping friends, I will be sending out a flyer in regards to our entertainment. (See the tab above)
I am also looking for "2 people" for the "audit committee" & "3 people" for the "nominating committee".
Hope to see you all at the Northeast Area FIESTA, and please support your association and remember your Chapter's AD for the program book.
Tom & Connie Ziobrowski
Your Northeast Area FMCA President