Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Please check your NEAR Welcome letter

An error was found on the welcome letter in the confirmation packet that said general parking was August 6th, but the correct arrival date is Thursday, August 3rd. Please note that general parking begins on Thursday, August 3rd..

Best Regards,
Jenn Eckles
Event Coordinator

Monday, June 19, 2017

2017 Nominating Committee

The Northeast Area nominating committee is looking for more officers. The election will be held during the Northeast Area Rally - August 3rd through 6th.

If you are interested in running, please contact one (or all) of the following:
- Tom Roule (email: troule@aol.com)
-  Harley Soulia: (email: hsoulia@aol.com)
- Tom Ziobrowski: (email: z8iggy@aol.com)

Please send a resume with your qualifications, background, chapter affiliations, etc to any of the above or our area secretary at:

PLEASE HELP! You are the area's greatest asset.

Tom Roule
President, Fingerlakers
Chairman, Nominating Committee

NEAR news from our secretary

Just a quick note to remind you about a few things in regards to our
upcoming 2017 Northeast Area Rally & RV Show - We Love New York,
August 3-6.

PROGRAM BOOK - CHAPTER ADs: I want to thank those Chapters that
have sent in an AD for our Program Book. We really appreciate your
support.  Your ADs and any that we solicit from businesses, vendors
and etc. are what make your Program Book possible.

For those Chapters that have not submitted an AD as of yet, there is
still time to get your AD in the book. I have listed below the AD
prices for your convenience. Send your AD to Bob Mills -
fourwindsbob@gmail.com by June 23 PH: 613-525-9970 CELL: 813-395-3679*

*Make your check payable to: Northeast Motorhome Association and mail
to: Tom Ziobrowski, 23 Main St., Rexford NY 12148*

AD COSTS: Full Page (7â€x10â€) - Color - $200

1/2 Page (7"x5") - B&W - $75 Color - $125

1/4 Page (3.5"x5") - B&W - $50 Color - $75

Business Card Size - (3.5â x2.25) B&W - $35 Color - $25

CHAPTER FAIR: Please give some thought to participating in our Chapter
Fair this year. It is a great way to gain new members, see what you
are about, where you are from and what your Chapter has to offer. We
will be awarding the "Best Chapter Display" again this year with a
nice prize that will be announced at entertainment. Show the Northeast
Area how proud you are of your chapter and gain some new members /friends along the way.

CRAFT/SEWING CLASSES: Don't forget to bring your sewing machine if you
like quilting, sewing and crafts as we have a couple of fun classes
you will definitely want to take advantage of. More info regarding the
sewing classes will be included in your Confirmation Packets after you

DINOSAUR BARBEQUE: You must purchase your ticket for the barbeque
dinner when you register. We may have a limited number of extra
tickets available for those that did not pre-register. Check at the
Registration Table that will be located in the Horticulture Building.

EXECUTIVE BOARD ELECTIONS: There are 2 openings for VP on the Board
this term. If you or someone you know may be interested please
contact: Tom Roule troule@aol.com 585-739-9074. Voting to take place
at our Annual Business Meeting during the rally.

You can always find information regarding the Northeast Area at our
website nmafmca.org or this blog https://www.blogger.com

A rally registration form is available at our website as well as
contact information for the Executive Board. If you have questions,
concerns or ideas please do not hesitate to contact a board member.

Safe travels,

Donna Merlino, Secretary

NEA Executive Board

Thursday, June 1, 2017

NEAR Election Update

As you may know, Barbara Smith has volunteered and been elected President of the Northeast Area.

At this time, we are looking for more volunteers to run for offices to help Barbara. Current officers have indicated they want to stay on, but we lost one and there is room if folks want to run for a position. We are reaching out to presidents, national directors and alternate national directors to ask yourselves and your members if they might be interested in being an officer.

Tom Ziobrowski (our outgoing president) has indicated we have some challenges. To quote:

“Northeast is going to have some serious issues headed down the road. From participation to support.”

We don’t have to look far to realize that some of us older folks may have to do the job until we recruit some younger help. (For example: I dictated this to my son’s 17 year old cat who can touch type - LOL).

Bottom line: it’s fun, a little work, no pay and we do it with friends – that equals- definition of volunteer. PLEASE JOIN US.

Elections will be at the Northeast Area Rally August 3-6.

If you are interested in running, please contact one (or all) of the following:
- Tom Roule (email: troule@aol.com)
- Harley Soulia: (email: hsoulia@aol.com)
- Tom Ziobrowski: (email: z8iggy@aol.com)

We can get you the necessary applications.