Sunday, September 7, 2014

NMA News - Sept. 2014

Here are some edited excerpts of an email from Tom Ziobrowski to "Allo Quebec". 
"......we are set up under a fall resort package which gives us a permanent full hook up site.
  • Thank you for the complimentary invite. Included is the Lake George Classic car show and corvette rally, this weekend. 
  • The Adirondack Balloon Fest, in 2 weeks And finally the the first weekend in October the Warrensburg Worlds largest garage sale, which for us will also have at this resort my chapter in attendance for our fall rally and election of officers the same weekend. 
  • The following week we have to head to Cincinnati for the business meeting at national."
In addition, below are a couple updates about 2015 NEAR and the 2016 International.
"Next year's rally in Vermont will be July 8-12. Wednesday-Sunday . Sunday being move out day.

Tentatively it will be move in on Wednesday, Thursday the dinner cruise because of so many requests to bring it back again. Along with Bingo in the Blue Ribbon for those that do not do the cruise.

Friday it's Ed Clifford. Also, requested to have him back.

Saturday an all new group playing a variety of music that was a big hit at the Labor Day Susquenango Rally.

Discussions are under way, we have a verbal commitment from the 2 dealers already also. A few vendors have also contacted me about the dates also.

Finally we voted at the national convention in Redmond Oregon in August to host in 2016 a national rally in 2016. So we will not be having a rally of our own, as we will be busy as host since this event will fall in the Northeast Area. This will be a big plus for the area.

Again thank you so much, and to your hard working member Bob Mills whom I have had the pleasure to work with over the past several years at NEAR. Now having him on the board again with his expertise is going to make the future rallies great events."


Thomas Ziobrowski
Your Northeast Area President

Saturday, September 6, 2014

FMCA Nominating Committee

Once again, the NMA can use some help. The Northeast Area needs a representative for the FMCA Nominating Committee.

Chapter Services has provided the following information about the process. 

Tom Ziobrowski has asked that some information be sent to you regarding the FMCA Nominating Committee.  I have attached (pdf-not on this blog) one of our policy and procedures that explains the procedure and most of the responsibilities.  The majority of the work for this committee does not take place until the end of 2016 up until the 2017 election.  Please let us know if you have any further questions.  Thank you.

Below are the basics-
Committee Composition
1. The Governing Board shall, in even-numbered years, elect the five members of the Nominating Committee Elect by mail ballot.
2. The Nominating Committee Elect shall commence their term of service as the Nominating Committee after the Annual Membership Meeting in which the President, Senior Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer are installed.
3. Full Members, Full Lifetime Members, and Life Members, who are not incumbent National Officers and who are eligible to vote under the Bylaws, are eligible to serve on the Nominating Committee.
4. Any member of the Nominating Committee who seeks office or shares an FMCA membership with an individual seeking a position on the Executive Board shall recuse himself or herself from all discussion and deliberation regarding that position.
5. The Nominating Committee cannot campaign for any candidate.

More is available from:
Kathy Anderson
Chapter Services
extension 216