Happy New Year Everyone,
Wanted to give everyone an update on the Rally. At this point we have 3 dealer's interested with Diamond RV sponsoring the hot dog roast. So, if your chapter wants to handle passing out dogs please contact me.
A few
seminars, vendors, sponsorships and ad's have already either been paid
and commitments have been made. We even have door prizes already.
Lou Snow your, Rally Master for 2014 has 3 nights of entertainment all booked.
NEW & TOTALLY DIFFERENT I think you all will be very impressed with the line up.
Friday Night it's Chicago
Saturday Night it's the Mariachi Band with Dancer's
Sunday Night it's Ed Clifford the known as the Singing Juke Box
Along with this flyer to
share with your chapter and camping friends, I will be sending out a
flyer in regards to our entertainment. (See the tab above)
I am also looking for "2 people" for the "audit committee" & "3 people" for the "nominating committee".
Hope to see you all at
the Northeast Area FIESTA, and please support your association and
remember your Chapter's AD for the program book.
Tom & Connie Ziobrowski
Your Northeast Area FMCA President