Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Press Release for the 94th FMCA International in West Springfield

The following was forwarded by Tom Ziobrowski, President of the Northeast Area.

Hello, all. Below is a link to view a press release about FMCA’s event next year in Massachusetts that was issued today via PRWeb and also sent to RV media.
Pamela Kay
Director of Communications, Publishing
Family Motor Coaching
8291 Clough Pike
Cincinnati, OH 45244
(513) 474-3622, ext. 234

Boston RV and Camping show - 2016

The Northeast Area is a promoter of the Boston RV and Camping Show and the New England RV Dealers Association.  Below is information about the 2016 show.

January 16-18 2016

The Boston Convention & Exhibition Center is located in the Seaport District at:
415 Summer Street
Boston, MA 02210
Phone: 617.954.2000
Fax: 617.954.2299

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Northeast Area officer change

September 16, 2015

Our Vice President, Thomas Rec has resigned his position with the Northeast Area Executive Board effective August 10, 2015.  Taking his place on the board as a Temporary Vice President will be John Traphagen.  His contact information is as follows:

John Traphagen – F#: 20711D
968 Hill Ave. Pine Bush NY  12566
(h)  845‐744‐5193 

If you need any further information regarding this change please contact myself, Donna Merlino, NEA Secretary or Tom Ziobrowski, NEA President/National Area VP.   

Donna Merlino, NEA Secretary

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

NE RV dealers association Executive Director's note

Bob Zagami visited the NEA get together in Madison. Below is his note to Tom Ziobroski.

Great to see all of you in Madison last week.  Thanks for the hospitality and assistance with information that will help us be a valued partner in Springfield next year.


Bob Zagami
Executive Director
New England RV Dealers Association
41 Deer Path
Hudson, MA 01749

Monday, August 3, 2015

Madison update from Tom Ziobroski

It is overwhelming what took place in Madison over this.

Want to volunteer, we need at least 500, so Northeast Area let's show FMCA we are a strong part of FMCA & the Family.

Contact Bob Mills: fourwindsbob@gmail.com

We need each & everyone of you, and remember when the registration hits, register ASAP as the onsite has a limit to the first 1,700 +- that register, after that we will have satellite parking.

I look forward to your full cooperation & support on this as we have been working for the past 2 years to make this a reality,


Tom & Connie
Your Northeast President & National VP for the Northeast Area of FMCA

Secretary summary from the Wisconsin International

There were over 1700 motor coaches at the International in Madison. 1450+ families and 250+ vendors. We reported about the International coming to the Northeast Area previously, but below is a quick summary of other news from Donna Merlino - our NEA Secretary.
Other news to report from Madison:
The Elections went as follows:
Charles Adcock - President
Jon Walker - Sr. Vice President
Gaye Young - Secretary
Percy Bell - Treasurer

The voting count for the National Secretary position was: 
 278 possible votes
 274 votes valid & counted
    4 votes were invalid

143 - Gaye Young
131 - John Ferrari

We had 281 voting members out of a possible 402 present at the Governing Board meeting yesterday.  There were 18 members present representing the Northeast Area. 

There were 2 changes voted on for the By Laws; and 6 changes/amendments to the Policy and Procedures.  I will give you the details on those votes when I return home next week.

Some future dates for you to consider:
Winter 2017 (February)  Family Reunion - Chandler AZ was approved by the Governing Board, pending successful negotiations;
Summer 2017 Family Reunion will take place in Indianapolis IN (this was approved in Redmond OR) 

We have a great opportunity to let FMCA know what a great Area we have and that we are not to be taken lightly.  Please support the 2016 Summer Family Reunion in Massachusetts next August by stepping up and volunteering.  If you are unable to volunteer we still need you to be there as a participant.  Bob Mills, VP Northeast Area will be the Volunteer Chairman.  Please contact him if you or your chapter is interested in volunteering.  We need all hands on deck.    

I will be sending out another email when I return home with more information regarding the 2016 Rally at the Big E and further details regarding the Governing Board Meeting here in Madison WI.  


Thank you,

Donna Merlino, Secretary NEA
o/b/o the NEA Executive Board 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

2016 International in the Northeast

In case you haven't heard, the 2016 International location has passed the governing board .

It is planned for the Big E in West Springfield, MA, August 3-6, 2016.

Bob Mills has been asked to chair the volunteers and there will be 400-500 needed, if you want to help.
More information will be available soon.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

NEAR 2015 highlights

NEAR 2015 is history. Below are some pictures from a glorious weekend.

Where are we going for the
2016 International?

Full breakfast was supplied one morning

Any image may be viewed full screen by clicking on it.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Pocket Schedule

Bob Mills has provided a Pocket Schedule for 2015 NEAR.

Click on the tab above for the schedule.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

NEA 2015 Officer nominees

Please forward the following to your members ASAP:

The 2015 Nominating Committee of NEA has asked me to forward their report for the upcoming elections to take place on Saturday, July 11 at the NEA Annual Business Meeting.  Time and place to be announced at the Rally.  All Chapter Presidents and National Directors (and all Alternate Delegates) are requested and encouraged to attend.  You will have voting rights for all motions brought before the Board and elections for any board positions.  Although any one is welcome to attend the meeting.  Only the above will be able to vote.  Therefore, if you have any concerns or questions you would like to bring before the board this is your opportunity to be heard.  

Robert McCormick and Tom Rec will be leaving the board and plan to relocate to the south.  Because of this we now have 2 Vice President positions open.  This information was forwarded to the Area in a previous email and interested candidates were asked to get in touch with either the Nominating Committee or myself, Donna Merlino, NEA Secretary.   Since that email we have received one candidate for these 2 open positions. That candidate is listed below and I have also attached his letter of introduction.   Therefore, we are still in need of at least one more candidate.  Also, any and all nominations will be accepted at the Business Meeting (July 11).  If you or someone you know is interested in being a Vice President on the NEA Executive Board please come forward.  We need your help.  You don't need any experience, just a great  attitude, and be willing to have fun.    AGAIN, PLEASE CONTACT ANY MEMBER OF THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE OR MYSELF, DONNA MERLINO, NEA SECRETARY IF YOU ARE INTERESTED.
John Traphagen:
John & Sharon belong to several FMCA Chapters, Elks International, Racecar Fans, which they are charter members of and Sharon is the Vice President for the Eastern Time Zone, and newly formed Hudson Valley Allegros.  They were members of the Hudson Islanders until January 2015 of which John was the National Director for four years.
NEA Nominating Committee:
Fred Linberk - Bussin Buddies - fjl@sbcgl@global.net
Sandie Zern - Bussin Buddies - sandiez16@gmail.com
Harley Soulia - Green Mountain Chapter - hsoulia@aol.com
Thank you for your continued support of the Northeast Area.
See everyone in Vermont July 9th.........until then,
Safe Travels,
Donna Merlino, NEA Secretary

o/b/o The NEA Executive Board

Below is John and Sharon's resume

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Final NEAR Update from Donna Merlino

Dear Chapter Officers:


I know you haven't received any updates in a while.  We are in the home stretch of getting everything ready for the Rally to begin on July 9.   You can still register for the rally up until Tuesday, June 30 through home office.  Your packet will be waiting for you in Will Call when you arrive at Essex Junction.   After that date you will need to register on site at Essex Junction.  Let them know when you arrive that you need to register and they will assist you with that.    Don't forget we welcome all types of units, fifth wheel, tow behind, etc.  You do not have to be a member of FMCA to attend.  So, bring your friends for a great time. 

For those that plan on attending: 

  *   If you purchased tickets for the Dinner Cruise and/or Pig Roast you will pick up your tickets at the registration desk when you hand in your locator card.
  * If you are part of a caravan please make sure everyone has a placard in their window showing name and # in caravan:  for example -
             SMITH 1 OF 10, SMITH 2 OF 10, SMITH 3 OF 10, etc.  You may have to wait in the HOLDING area for everyone in your group to arrive; once your entire group has arrived our parking crew will do their best to get you parked as quickly as possible.  Please be patient when arriving at the gate, and follow the directions given to you by our volunteer crews. 
 * Don't forget to bring a toy for the Marine Toys for Tots and a stuffed animal for the local Emergency Corps.  

Our business meeting will be held on Saturday, check your program book for time and place.  We will be installing 2 new officers and saying goodbye to 2 VPs.  All are welcome to attend this meeting.  Your National Director and President (or Alternate Delegates) are especially encouraged to attend for voting purposes.  This is your way to see what is being done in the area and be heard if you have any concerns.   We want everyone to feel welcome at this meeting. 

This is the last email I will be sending until after the rally.  I hope to see a great turnout this year and I look forward to meeting everybody.  Please do not hesitate to introduce yourself to the Executive Board members when you see us wandering the grounds.  We encourage you to ask questions as that is why we are here.  We hope everyone has a great time at "The Junction". 

SEE YOU THERE...........and please travel safe! 

Donna Merlino, Northeast Area Secretary
o/b/o The NEA Executive Board 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

2015 NEAR Responsibilities

Below is the flowchart of roles and responsibilities for NEAR-2015

The Volunteer captains' meeting is: Tuesday, July 7th. at the Expo at 5:30 pm.
We will have pizza for everyone Bring your owns drinks.

Tom Z   
(A full screen view is available by clicking on the image)

Friday, June 5, 2015

Invitiation to NEA members to visit Hilton Head Island

Tom Ziobrowski has received the following invitation to visit Hilton Head, SC.
Check out our Hilton head tab above for more information

Dear Tom:

My name is Alex (Alexandra) and I am the new Rally Coordinator at the Hilton Head Island Motorcoach Resort. I believe you had spoken to Debbie Wyatt before about forwarding the attached flyer to your members.

We are offering 40% off of our site fees for FMCA member through October of 2015, which is really an great deal.  Included in the flyer is a link to our website www.hhimotorcoachresort.com so people can see how beautiful and convenient our resort is

It may that you have already sent out the attached flyer, but if you haven’t thank you in advance! If you have any questions,  do not hesitate to call me at 843-785-7699

Have a great day!

Alex Skevington
Hilton Head Island Motorcoach Resort

Friday, May 29, 2015

June 1st

June 1st is an important date:
  • NEAR deadline is June 1st if you want to receive your credentials other than "WILL CALL".
  • IF you register for the International after June 1st, the registration fee increases by $20.
Do it by email ! 
Links are on the tabs above.

NEA "Summertime Fun At the Junction" Rally Information

Hello Chapters:

I hope that everyone enjoyed the Memorial Day Weekend. 

This a "rally reminder" for a few things in regards to the upcoming NEA Rally "Summertime Fun At The Junction".  I'm assuming that most chapters have had their first rally/business meeting for the year and you have shared these emails with your members. 

We encourage everyone to submit their registrations early so you can get signed up for the various activities we have planned for you.  We don't want anyone to miss out. 

Don't forget to get your AD copy in right away for the Program Book.  We really appreciate your support and if your chapter can't attend this is a great way to support the rally if you can't be there.  Those ADs need to go to Bob Mills (  fourwindsbob@gmail.com) .  Just remember that the deadline is fast approaching (May 31).  Bob can answer any of your questions regarding the Program Book. 613-525-9970.

If you are attending, we would appreciate any and all donations for the US Marine's Toys for Tots, and we are excepting new stuffed animals again this year for the local emergency corps in the area.  We will be dividing those up between a couple of different organizations in the area.  There will be donation boxes for both items located in the Main Building on the grounds. 

Joan Lewis is still looking for craft seminars/classes, so if you have a skill or craft you would like to share with everyone please get in touch with Joan ASAP.  518-399-7072.  George Lewis would like to be notified in advance of any caravans attending the rally so that he can plan his parking layout accordingly.  Having this info before the rally makes parking flow much quicker for everyone.  After all, we want to get you parked and on the grounds so you can start having fun and meeting up with all of your motor home friends as soon as possible. You can reach George at the same number.

I can't stress enough how much we appreciate all of our volunteers that help make this rally possible.  If you would like to help out get in touch with any of our board members and we will forward your inquiry onto the Volunteer Captain for that specific area.  If you would like a listing of the Volunteer Captains for the various teams please let me know or any of the board members and we will get a list out to you ASAP.

Thank you for sharing this with your chapter members and as always we are here to answer any of your questions or concerns so please do not hesitate to get in touch with any of us.  I have included another copy of the Officers List in case you did not receive one in the earlier emails.

Safe Travels,

Donna Merlino
FMCA NEA Secretary
o/b/o NEA Executive Board

Welcome From President, Tom Ziobrowski

Thursday, May 14, 2015

NEAR 2015 Program ad prices

If your chapter wants to place an ad in the 2015 program, the deadline is May 20th. Some of you may have received the commerical prices. Below are the particulars for chapter ads.
JPG and PDF files are acceptable.

Monday, April 20, 2015

NEA Seminars

Hi Everyone:

Joan Lewis, Susquenango Chapter is in charge of putting together craft seminars for the 2015 NEA Rally in July.  She would appreciate it if you would announce to your membership that she is looking for members that would be interested in holding a craft class/presentation during the Rally.  I know that there are a lot of crafty  members out there with some great skills that we would all be interested in learning how to do.  So put your thinking caps on and help Joan put together some classes.  She would like some more ideas & crafty people.  You can email her at seekhim888@gmail.com

Also, George Lewis, Parking Crew Captain would like all those attending in a caravan of 6 or more to drop him an email with a contact person's name and number. His home phone # is 518-399-7072.  or you can email him at seekhim888@gmail.com.  

If anyone has questions about any of these emails you've been receiving please call or email me directly and I will answer to the best of my ability.  Please share all of these emails with your membership as we want to be sure that EVERYONE knows what is happening. 
If your chapter has not attended or has not been represented at the Area Rally in a while, please make this the year you come back.  We miss you and want to see everyone attend and have a good time.  So please come back.
Safe Travels,
Donna Merlino, NEA Secretary

Friday, April 17, 2015

Nominations needed

Hello Everyone:
I am hoping by now you have received and read my first email.  As I mentioned in that email you will be receiving quite a few notices/emails from us regarding Northeast Area happenings.

We have 2 Vice President positions open on your NEA Executive Board.  Bud McCormick and Tom Rec will not be running for a 2nd term as they are moving in a different life direction.  They will be missed but we wish them well in their future direction.  Both Bud and Tom will continue in their positions until our business meeting to be held at the 2015 NEA Rally in July.  The new VPs will begin their duties at the conclusion of the NEA Rally.

We are asking you to please forward this information to your membership in a timely manner.  We would appreciate any one interested in running for one of these vacant positions to get in touch with me by email/phone or contact a member of the nominating committee (listed below).

Fred Linberk - Bussin Buddies - fjl57@ sbcglobal.net

Sandie ZernBussin Buddie - sandiez16@gmail.com

Harley Soulia - Green Mountain Chapter - hsoulia@ aol.com

There is no experience required for holding a position on the board, just enthusiasm and a willingness to have fun.  So please consider this opportunity to support your Northeast Area. 
Thank you,
Donna Merlino, NEA Secretary

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Donna Merlino (NEA Secretary) introduction

Dear Chapter Officers:

I am your FMCA Northeast Area Secretary, Donna Merlino.  I will be communicating with you on behalf of your Northeast Area (NEA) Executive Board.  We would like to keep you informed in regards to what is happening with your Area.  We would appreciate, and encourage you to share these emails/notices with your chapter members.  If you or anyone in your chapter has questions regarding any of these emails/notices please feel free to get in touch with me or any of the board members and we will do our best to assist you.  I have attached the NEA Executive Board Directory for your convenience.  You can reply to this email address ( neafmcasecretary@gmail.com) or the address listed for me on the directory.  I am accepting emails at both. 

I will be sending these notices to the President, National Director and Alternate National Director for each chapter.  If one or more of these officers are not receiving these emails it may be that the email address I have been given by the FMCA Home Office is incorrect.  Please let me know asap if an address needs to be changed or added to the list.  Some chapter officers did not have a name or email listed for National Director of Alternate but everyone has a President with an email.  Therefore, each chapter should receive at least one copy of these emails.

You will be receiving several emails over the next few weeks so please be aware of the return address and add this to your contact list.  This first email is meant to introduce myself and relay contact information for your NEA Executive Board for those of you that may not have that info. 

The NEA Board would like to thank you for being an officer for your chapter and any other chapter you may be involved with.  You, your fellow officers and members are what makes this Area great.  So thank you for what you do and we hope to meet each of you at the 2015 NEA Rally "Summertime Fun at the Junction", July 8-12, 2015 to be held at the Champlain Valley Expo in Essex Junction VT.  I have included a Rally Registration Form for you convenience.  We have a great event planned and would love to see each Chapter represented.  

Please be on the lookout for further information regarding the 2015 NEA Rally via this email address.

Until then......

Safe travels

Donna Merlino, Secretary o/b/o the NEA Executive Board

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

2016 Rally news

More information from Tom Ziobrowski
The Convention will NOT be held in Syracuse NY. They are having a major renovation.
Next Tuesday at 2:00pm I meet with Jerry Yeatts, Chris Lust and Jim Rosenberg from national at the BIG E  (Great States Exposition Center) in Springfield Mass. for a site inspection & meeting.
Wednesday its off to Fryeburg ME for a 2:00pm site inspection & meeting there.
As soon as I hear anything and a decision is finalized I will make sure the Northeast gets notified via our website, blog and also have our secretary do an email blast hoping all our chapter emails are current and up to date.
Respectfully yours,
Tom Ziobrowski

NEAR 2015 Captain's List

Tom Ziobrowski sent out an update the captains list for NEAR in July. The list will appear in the tab above.
      Hi Everyone,

               Well here is the final compiled copy of the Captains List for 2015. Yes things can still change and we do have a few vacancies. Please be sure to tell your volunteers that when they make their reservations to tell national that you are a volunteer so they can put a card in your packet indicating this for their windshield. We will have copies available at the expo if some are needed as well.
                The changes came from the first list sent out sometime ago with a few coming forward and a few bowing out.
                Reservations are coming in, Boat Cruise Tickets are selling as well as the Pig Roast Tickets.
                Tom Rec has several seminars ion the works.
                Bud McCormick has Vendors signed up as well.
                A few loose ends to button up, signed contracts for Entertainment, Letter just went out to the VFW. Skip Smith is working with  the Essex Fire Dept.
                DonnieO is working on the Chapter ADS which need to be paid for and ADS need to get to Bob Mills for the Program Book, so please remind your chapters, I think deadline is May 31st.
                We need door prizes and the stuffed animals for the emergency corps and marines toys for tots.
                 I hope you have looked at our website, nmafmca.org. It has been updated by our webmaster Anne Gould and it also contains a blog which Tom Roule from central NY has been blogging stuff as he receives things or hear of other information through the grape vine. Our new Secretary Donna has been on the ball and is doing a great job for the Northeast Area as she does for her own chapter. It's great having her on board. Same goes for your new Treasurer Jim, loved his report after things settled down with him and his wife with coach problems, WE HAD A SUCESSFULL RALLY AND DID NOT GO IN THE RED, Parking crew is in motion with I believe are great staff of parkers are all coming back. We do have a new Director at the Expo, and have had a meeting with him and his assistant and it looks like it will be business as usual, that's a relief in itself. And as you can see by the LIST the staff on board is well familiar with their jobs, so I hope for all of us to have fun working this rally. I do not mean to leave anyone out, each & everyone working at this event play a very vital role.
                 Wednesday evening while the CRUISE is going on their will be a cash bingo like last year and if those playing want another day of it for a couple of hours maybe we can arrange for that.
                  I'll close here before you delete me, I must say with your new board, all you volunteers, the sponsorships, dealers & vendors, including the support given to the program book and all it takes to pull this off, each and everyone of those involved deserve a very  BIG HEARTFULL THANK YOU from myself, my wife, the board and their spouses. You all made it work successfully.
Please if you see I missed a CAPTAIN forward this along to them and notify me or Connie ASAP.
Tom & Connie

Monday, April 13, 2015

FMCA Assist Testimonial

This note came from Charlie Adcock via Tom Ziobrowski .
The following is an email I received from Ron South and with his permission I am forwarding it to everyone. Let's keep Ron and Kathy in our thoughts and prayers.  
Sorry for not getting back to you about the rally.  I actually am just getting back from Arizona tomorrow, the 8th.   I wanted to let you know how our first snowbird experience went, and to give a testimony to FMCA.
We left Dec. 28th for Arizona and arrived on Jan. 1st.  Due to the time of year I thought it would be smart to take the most southern route but we still experienced bad weather.  Terrible ice and snow storms in Texas and severe winds in New Mexico that ripped off one of my awnings.  Quickly got that fixed after arriving and started to have some fun.
We went to Sedona, the Mesa Market, visited friends and family, and just enjoyed the weather.
On Jan. 29th Kathy was complaining of severe abdominal pain and I took her to the ER in Sun City.  She was admitted with diverticulitis and after 4 days of not responding to antibiotics, surgery was performed to remove a section of colon.  She came close to dying at this point, and also went into kidney failure requiring her to start dialysis.
It was also discovered that she had other kidney and bladder problems and this required multiple surgeries.  The total care she received is far to extensive to list.  She was in the hospital 6 weeks, and 3 weeks in a rehab facility.   This was not exactly what we planned for our vacation.
Kathy still cannot walk and continues to need rehab.  I knew I had to get her home and I also knew I couldn't handle her for 4-5 days on the road in the RV.   
On 4/1/15 she was well enough to fly home with assistance and I am driving the RV back.
The testimony I mentioned earlier is for the FMCAssist program.  As you may know, I joined the FMCA just shortly before being introduced, and joining, your chapter.  Then I came to your Christmas party.  
In the midst of planning Kathy's return, I remembered this program, and it was actually one of the deciding factors in me joining.
I called Seven Corners and had the pleasure of working with Wesley Smith.  Wesley scheduled everything for me, and paid for it.  They provided:
The flight out to Arizona for Kathy's son to assist her back;
The airfare for Kathy and her son to return to St. Louis (they gave Kathy a row of 3 seats so she could keep her legs up);
The travel expense for a wheelchair van to pick Kathy up at the rehab facility in Sun City and take her and her son to the Phoenix airport;
The travel expense for a wheelchair van to pick up Kathy and her son from the St. Louis airport and take them to our home in St. Charles.
What a deal for $40. a year!     Anyway, it's good to finally get back.  I wonder how our next trip will be?