Hi Everyone:
Joan Lewis, Susquenango Chapter is in charge of putting
together craft seminars for the 2015 NEA Rally in July. She would
appreciate it if you would announce to your membership that she is
looking for members that would be interested in holding a craft
class/presentation during the Rally. I know that there are a lot of
crafty members out there with some great skills that we would all be
interested in learning how to do. So put your thinking caps on and help
Joan put together some classes. She would like some more ideas &
crafty people. You can email her at
If anyone has questions about any of these emails you've been receiving
please call or email me directly and I will answer to the best of my
ability. Please share all of these emails with your membership as we
want to be sure that EVERYONE knows what is happening.
If your chapter has not attended or has not been represented at the Area
Rally in a while, please make this the year you come back. We miss you
and want to see everyone attend and have a good time. So please come
Safe Travels,
Donna Merlino, NEA Secretary