Friday, June 5, 2015

Invitiation to NEA members to visit Hilton Head Island

Tom Ziobrowski has received the following invitation to visit Hilton Head, SC.
Check out our Hilton head tab above for more information

Dear Tom:

My name is Alex (Alexandra) and I am the new Rally Coordinator at the Hilton Head Island Motorcoach Resort. I believe you had spoken to Debbie Wyatt before about forwarding the attached flyer to your members.

We are offering 40% off of our site fees for FMCA member through October of 2015, which is really an great deal.  Included in the flyer is a link to our website so people can see how beautiful and convenient our resort is

It may that you have already sent out the attached flyer, but if you haven’t thank you in advance! If you have any questions,  do not hesitate to call me at 843-785-7699

Have a great day!

Alex Skevington
Hilton Head Island Motorcoach Resort