Monday, August 3, 2015

Secretary summary from the Wisconsin International

There were over 1700 motor coaches at the International in Madison. 1450+ families and 250+ vendors. We reported about the International coming to the Northeast Area previously, but below is a quick summary of other news from Donna Merlino - our NEA Secretary.
Other news to report from Madison:
The Elections went as follows:
Charles Adcock - President
Jon Walker - Sr. Vice President
Gaye Young - Secretary
Percy Bell - Treasurer

The voting count for the National Secretary position was: 
 278 possible votes
 274 votes valid & counted
    4 votes were invalid

143 - Gaye Young
131 - John Ferrari

We had 281 voting members out of a possible 402 present at the Governing Board meeting yesterday.  There were 18 members present representing the Northeast Area. 

There were 2 changes voted on for the By Laws; and 6 changes/amendments to the Policy and Procedures.  I will give you the details on those votes when I return home next week.

Some future dates for you to consider:
Winter 2017 (February)  Family Reunion - Chandler AZ was approved by the Governing Board, pending successful negotiations;
Summer 2017 Family Reunion will take place in Indianapolis IN (this was approved in Redmond OR) 

We have a great opportunity to let FMCA know what a great Area we have and that we are not to be taken lightly.  Please support the 2016 Summer Family Reunion in Massachusetts next August by stepping up and volunteering.  If you are unable to volunteer we still need you to be there as a participant.  Bob Mills, VP Northeast Area will be the Volunteer Chairman.  Please contact him if you or your chapter is interested in volunteering.  We need all hands on deck.    

I will be sending out another email when I return home with more information regarding the 2016 Rally at the Big E and further details regarding the Governing Board Meeting here in Madison WI.  


Thank you,

Donna Merlino, Secretary NEA
o/b/o the NEA Executive Board