FCRV has their annual "CAMPVENTION" at Essex Junction, VT July 7-11. Below is a note to Tom Ziobrowski. Their web site is
April 29, 2014
Dear Tom (Z):
It was good talking with you
again. This is your invitation for all
FMCA members to attend our Campvention in Essex Junction, VT. The rally dates are July 7-11, 2014. Members may arrive as early as July 4th
at a cost of $25 per night. Lloyd &
Kay Humphrey are the Chairpersons for the rally and you may contact them at Lhumphrey31@earthlink.net. Detailed
information and the registration form are available at our website,
www.FCRV.org. On the homepage, click
Per our conversation
concerning commercial vendors, I will send a letter to our vendors who plan on
attending and see if they wish to stay another week to participate in your
rally. I will send them your name and
e-mail. Also, you agreed to contact
your commercial vendors and let them know that they are welcome to participate
at our rally.
We agreed that you and I will
include our invitations and information on the FMCA and FCRV webpages.
Our contact person for the FCRV webpage is Vickie Roop. You can reach her at FCRVWebsite@aol.com. When I
receive your contact information, I will get it posted on our website.
Again, it was good talking
with you and I look forward to our two organizations working together.
Campingly yours,
Paul D. Parsley
FCRV Commercial Director