Thursday, May 29, 2014

NEAR Updates and caravan information

To:   Chapters of the Northeast Area,
  • There has been a request from the Captain of the Parking Crew. 
George Lewis would very much appreciate it if you plan on coming in with a caravan of 6 or more units, to please contact him as soon as you can.

CELL:     518-376-0962
  • The future of the Northeast Area depends on each and every one of you. Please be sure to get your Chapter AD in to Bob Mills, as we are at the dead line. And please if you can, offer to help even if it is only for an hour or two. The Captain’s list will be posted in the Lobby of North & South.
The board looks forward to seeing many of you all at the FIESTA,


Tom & Connie Ziobrowski                                                  Lou & Lucille Snow
Rally Hosts & President NEAFMCA                                   Senior VP & Rally Masters
23 Main St.                                                                            PO Box 71
Rexford, NY  12148                                                              Hardwick, MA  01037                                            
513-543-7421 (Cell)                                                             413-427-7785 (Cell)
518-399-0833 (Home)                                                         413-477-6939 (Home)